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SIEGFRIED FINK PERCUSSION STUDIO Studien fiir kleine Trommel Heft 5: Der Wirbel Studies for Snare Drum Vol. 5: The Roll Elite Edition 2805 N. SIMROCK - HAMBURG - LONDON | Der Wirbel ; The Roll Zur schwierigsten Technik gehdrt nach wie vor der Frommeiwirbel, dor in jeder Lautstirke und in jeder Bauer ausgeglichen sein mug. Es gibt 3 Vordibungen {tr den Wirbel, die oft und in jeder Dynamik stucrert werden miissen: @) Hand zu Hand ) Sprungschlag (Miihle) ©) Wechselstudien Jede Ubung langsam beginnen und dann kontinuier- lich das Tempo steigernverlangsamen-stoigern-ver- langsamen ede Ubung beidhindig studioron, dh. rechts begin: nen oder links beginacn, R Q) ee RURERLRL f RE RE Siegfried Fink’ ( The drum roll continues to be one of the most difficult of all techniques; it must be worked out carefully in each volume and duration. There are three preparatory | studies for the roll, which must be practiced often and ( inall dynamic varieties: a) hand to hand ©) double stroke roll (Mamma Daddy roll) : ¢) alternate studies ( Each study should be started slowly and the tempo ( should then be increased-decreasad-increased de. creased ¢ Practice each study by beginning once with the left, then with the right hand, ( RUR L RUERLERERERURE = SSS RRELRREL <= EER EEE Ee EE EEE PET cee Pe ( Gee SERIE ILE TEPEESTPETE FSET age ar oo “Se SS ES = © 1970 by N. Simrock, Homburg — London “PERETTI CR TENET nre HERE RUER L RRELR LLERRLELR LLRR LERR LRLER- LRLR LROER LRLER ERE LERRLERRLLR === See ane en oe toe ne + SSS SSS SSS RLLRRLERR LRLR LERLR LLR RL LRLUR LRER LRERTUR ER LRL LLRRELRRLLRRLLER SSS SS SS Wirbelnotation Wirbelausfiihrung, drum roll notation drum roll execution absetzen 7 cut off (a0 ending note) _abschlagen cut off (ending note) anbinden tie up offener Wirbel genau im Notenwert open roti exactly as written RRLLRRALERL RRLLRALL RREL RRL RL Sa oe Er Moderato J=s2 Allegro J at2 nf c A Be BE NUS Moderato J. 1 Andantino J-s0 Andantino J.<72 Valse J. 92 Vivace J Animato 4 Moderato J. s2 Presto 4-194 Comodo J.60 Animato J.=10 2 Maestoso J. e - Moderato). 10 2 i 7 peony Ian tow caresumecaensuiotcannins cea ARUL RRULRRL Allegro assai J.152 Marcia Jn Andantino 4.272 ‘ cease Allegro. J =138 ae p29 eee £ # | a a | 2 =. Bat 4 = (eee pera == eee > > - B 3 3 Andante J: 18 |. +52 Allegro b= Lento 20 Allegro vivace }.160 | Allegretto dr 37 ee mf atempo ' a Moderato J-104 ( ¢ c 3g t fi ( ‘ SHS gee RRUL RRL R 22 “Allegro Jv 39 3 RRLLRRLL RRLL OR 2a Lento Js 25 ae ES: a 2 Allegro dear b. b5 eee Ss se aS ba = Reece 26 Moderato J-i4(2: 4 27 \ 26 o) ch Andante J-s0 cf # Sa = +, ol 6s Ge = c| P eal ¢ ( 5 | r ( ( oO} r mf ~Cadenz - pepe Se =p auf Andante deco 29 Sonatine 46 (ar rc. Allegro assai J.:2 Andante J-s0 —— 47 Sonate Paper (Pe 4,2_3__“2 Asp Af PF 680 FREEEEDA| Allegro Je: | Gree TEHE =<, = pr == pte pe Ee 33 35 q ( ( ‘ C ( ( i ¢ ql in ¢ Pete aes > =F ( 96 In der Neuen Musik haben sich bei der Suche nach In the search for new sounds in modern music, as neuen Kliingen und durch die Spielpraktiken des Jazz well as in the performance practices in Latin-American und der ‘Latein-Amerikanischen Musik einige An- music and in Jazz, various new forme of attack have achlagaverftemdungen durchgesotzt, deren Anwen- developed. Their usage will be demonstrated by the dung durch einige Boispiele demonstriért wird following examples. ‘Am Rand des Fetles, on the edge of the drumhead Stock auf Stock Randschiag stick on stick === rimshot demo es 37 38 ( ¢ ( ( ¢ ( t ( ( ‘i 7 SIEGFRIED FINK Sitti PERCUSSION STUDIO Studien fiir kleine Trommel/ Studies for Snare Drum vor Tt Heft Vol. Heft Vol. Elementarubungen — ~ Elementary Exercises Akzentverschiebungen ~ Shifts of Accent Progressivetiiden — Progressive Studies 2 3 Vel" A» Die Vorschlage = The Flams 5 6 H . bet Vel Bt Der wirbot — The Roll Heft Q. i ; Vol. OF Etiiden tir 2-3-4 = Studies for 2-3-4 kleine Trommein Snare Drums Musik fiir Schlaginstrumente / EE 2801 EE 2802 EE 2803 EE+2804 EE 2805 EE 2806 Music for percussion instruments. etudes in jazz for percussion solo Impression Nr.1 for Flute and Vibraphone far Flote und Vibraphon Alternation for percussion solo Serenade in percussion (clarinet, bass and 3 percussion). Trio ostinato for percussion instruments and clarinets EE 2807 EE 2808 EE 2809 EE 2810 EE 2811 N. SIMROCK - HAMBURG — LONDON

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