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Licensing rights

Pea laurel

Maria cecilla Imperial

vice president

I have been refered by nash ang from south korea PS media enterprise we are an international company
focusing on localization we have team members around the globe. Mostly like oot vod partners from
Europe and America.
we would like to discuss it more in a zoom meeting

Hi I am Chuck Galvadores From Ps Media Enterprise an international media acquisition company, I have
been referred by Mr. Nash Ang from South Korea. Can I speak to Roxanne Barcelona/Maria Cecilla

Since I am a Filipino, I am assigned here in the Philippines. My task here po is to set you an appointment
to discuss it more in a zoom meeting with PS media.

Free tv rights
theatrical right
paid tv


modern film hindi na Malabo

Full HD
4atp – Malabo conceder old
Yung pointers ko last time we discussed.

1. Chase broadcast and production companies.

2. Less priority ang distributors and otts kasi we have similar business with them, ayaw natin maging
4th party.

3. Zoom them all next week para arranged well ang schedule.

4. Search for the company in Google before attempting to call.

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