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Chemical engineering involves the production and manufacturing of products through chemical

processes. This includes designing equipment, systems, and processes for refining raw materials and for
mixing, compounding, and processing chemicals.

Within these industries, chemical engineers rely on their knowledge of mathematics and science—
particularly chemistry— to overcome technical problems safely and economically. And, of course, they
draw upon and apply their engineering knowledge to solve any technical challenges they encounter.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that chemical engineers only “make things,” though.

You'll need to understand how to alter raw materials into required products, while taking into
consideration health and safety and cost issues.

You can work in a variety of industries including:

 energy

 food and drink

 oil and gas

 pharmaceuticals

 plastics

 toiletries

 water treatment.

Chemical, process and biochemical engineers are involved in the design, modification and operation of
processes to produce the things we rely on everyday

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