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Module 5.

2 Main Task

Activity: Giving an example

Give two test items that are appropriate for each level of learning outcomes. Do not
forget to put instructions. You can choose the type of test.


Identification: Read and understand the statement given and Identify the Practitioners
that proposed systems for teaching listening. Write your answer before each number.

__________1. He describes listening activities in terms of three phrases: pre-, while-,

and post-listening activities.

__________2. He presents a series of principles for activities in which learners progress

through repeated listening’s of texts.


True or False: Write uWu if the statement is true and write the correct answer if the
statement is false. Write your answer before each number.

__________1. Phonotactic rules is the sound sequences that language allows to make
up syllables.
__________2. Stress system is the characteristic variations in high, low, rising and
falling tones to indicate lexical or discourse meaning.


Essay: Respond to the following questions using your own words in short essay format.

1. What did Bloomfield declare in able to a one person to learn and understand a
language? And why?

2. From your own understanding. What is the effective way to have a good listening

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