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Exams to be banned?

Most students hate exams because they can lead to stress, pressure, loss of
confidence, fear. So, should the exams be banned?
Exams are not the only measurement used to determine a person’s education or
knowledge. They should not be given more importance than other assessments. However,
they are another tool in measuring a person’s progress. This is kind of like asking, “If you go
to the doctor, should taking your temperature be abolished?” Now, taking a person’s
temperature is not the sole indication of how healthy a person is, but it is another factor in
assessing overall health. Tests are another factor in assessing overall “educational” health.
Now, some smart people are just not good test takers. That is true. Tests and exams should
never be used as the sole or most important assessment of a person’s aptitude. Imagine you
go to a doctor with pain in your back. The doctor takes your temperature and it is normal.
That means you are healthy? Not necessarily. So, a person gets great grades on tests. That
means they are a genius? Not necessarily.
Examinations have good and bad sides but it is how a person deals with them. They
can be constructive as well as destructive. It all depends on the personality and character of
a person. Examinations are an important part of academic studies. Though good
examinations are those which prepare you for a bright future and not for creating
unnecessary competition.

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