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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Chief Commissioner Patricia DeGuire |

Ontario Human Rights Commission 416-314-4536
180 Dundas Street West, 9th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2G5

re: OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates

Dear Chief Commissioner DeGuire,

Educators For Human Rights (EFHR) represents a growing number of Ontario teachers and education
workers in the public education sector.

We are responding to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s statement issued on September 22, 2021.
The following is posted under the heading “Vaccination requirements generally permissible”:

“While receiving a COVID-19 vaccine remains voluntary, the OHRC takes the position that
mandating and requiring proof of vaccination to protect people at work or when receiving
services is generally permissible under the Human Rights Code (Code) as long as protections are
put in place to make sure people who are unable to be vaccinated for Code-related reasons are
reasonably accommodated. This applies to all organizations.

“Upholding individual human rights while trying to collectively protect the general public has
been a challenge throughout the pandemic. Organizations must attempt to balance the rights of
people who have not been vaccinated due to a Code-protected ground, such as disability, while
ensuring individual and collective rights to health and safety.”

We take this opportunity to highlight your remarks from Thursday, August 19, 2021:

"We know that all Ontarians are guided by the foundational values that underlie the
OHRC’s work – the inherent dignity of humans, the rule of law, access to justice,
equity, fairness and freedom from all forms of discrimination."

So which is it Ms. DeGuire, the “foundational values” and “rule of law” and “fairness and freedom from
all forms of discrimination,” or the make-it-up-as-you-go “generally permissible” intrusion on and
subversion of the irrevocable and inviolable privacy rights of Ontarians?

Never mind. We know which it is. The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s waffling and contradictory
baffle-gab makes it official.

The name of this organization is highly inaccurate and misleading, as human rights are clearly NOT the
central consideration in its decisions, nor are they a priority or apparently even a factor in any of the
Ontario Human Rights Commission’s prattling, biased, propagandist nonsense.

“The duty to accommodate can be limited if it would significantly compromise health and safety
amounting to undue hardship – such as during a pandemic.”

What patently absurd drivel.

Instead of demanding that “the science” evidence be produced by the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of
Health that ostensibly would and should “demonstrably justify” (as per the Charter) these draconian
measures “during a pandemic,” the Commission issues a baseless policy statement that is a betrayal of
the fundamental rights of Ontarians, as it has consistently done for the past year, thereby in actuality
actively undermining the rights of Ontarians.

Indeed, it is precisely because of EFHR’s deepening concern for the trampling of our rights by
governments and illegitimately-empowered businesses and organizations -- including a thoroughly
discredited OHRC -- that in our letter of September 13 to Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr.
Kieran Moore we demanded, as should the Commission, that he “prove it.”

We hereby reiterate our demand to see the evidence to justify and legitimately declare a ‘pandemic,’
particularly when the people we have entrusted to uphold, protect and defend our human rights are
advocating against and directly engaged in undermining those rights.

If there is a ‘pandemic,’ it should be a relatively simple matter to produce the evidence to support that,
and yet despite numerous requests and demands for over 18 months by many entities, not a single shred
of evidence has been produced.

What Dr. Moore and Public Health Ontario (which we now regard as The Ministry of Public
Enlightenment and Propaganda to more accurately reflect its purpose and practice) do produce is glossy,
impressive, official-sounding diktats and illegal, unlawful and unenforceable mandates, guidance and
‘directives’ that should, quite frankly, be universally disregarded and ignored.

The OHRC’s policy statement constitutes another in a growing dossier of failures and violations of the
public trust by the Commission to fulfill its mandate to protect and defend the rights of Ontarians -- our
“inherent dignity of humans, the rule of law, access to justice, equity, fairness and freedom from all
forms of discrimination” -- and sell us out to the highest bidder, as if our bodies are theirs to sell.

We therefore reject the entirety of the statement from the Commission, not only because it has no basis
in scientific fact, but because it represents such an egregious attack on “the inherent dignity of humans,
the rule of law, access to justice, equity, fairness and freedom from all forms of discrimination” so as to
be completely without any validity or credibility.

Consequently, what is abundantly clear is how fundamentally flawed, ineffective, compromised,

politically-motivated and morally-corrupted the OHRC and its Commissioners are.

We need individuals who are willing to withstand political expediency, who understand the true meaning
and value of “the inherent dignity of humans, the rule of law, access to justice, equity, fairness and
freedom from all forms of discrimination,” and who are willing to assert the moral authority to advocate
for, defend and protect the rights of Ontarians against the tyranny of the institutional discrimination
these ‘mandatory’ ‘vaccinations’ and deplorable ‘vaccine certificates’ promote.

Incidentally, we intentionally repeat your words because while they are absolutely accurate, they are
completely incongruous with this policy statement from the OHRC.

We conclude that the OHRC Commissioners are derelict in their duty to promote, defend and maintain
the sanctity of inalienable human rights; are wilfully contravening and undermining both the spirit and
the lawful force and intent of human rights legislation, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights; are inappropriately issuing highly-biased statements without
any substantiated evidence; and are abrogating their oath of office.

The Commissioners must publicly reject these illegal, unlawful and illegitimate ‘mandatory’ experimental
injection mandates, ‘vaccine’ certificates and privacy intrusions, or resign now.

Educators For Human Rights

Commissioner Jewel Amoah,

Commissioner Randall Arsenault,
Commissioner Brian Eyolfson,
Commissioner Violetta Igneski,
Commissioner Gary Pieters

Cc. Hon. Doug Ford Fred Hahn (CUPE) Dr. Kieran Moore (OCMOH)
Hon. Stephen Lecce Warren Thomas (OPSEU) Dr. Barbara Yaffe (OACMOH)
Hon. Christine Elliott Parker Robinson (OTF) Rocco Galati (CRC)
Nancy Naylor (EDU) Sam Hammond (CTF) Amina Sherazee (CRC)
Karen Brown (ETFO) Cathy Abraham (OPSBA)
Barb Dowbrowolski (OECTA) Lisa Collins (OPC)
Karen Littlewood (OSSTF) Tony Pontes (CODE)
Anne Vinet-Roy (AEFO) Daniel Therrien (OPC)

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