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Separate From the Tares

~ Posted on August 19, 2021`

Vaccine Mandates vs. Body

G overnments and businesses

do not have regency over your

body. For the unvaccinated, initial

governmental mandates restricted access

to restaurants, gyms and entertainment

venues and currently has spilled over to

schools and the workplace which could

then quickly escalate to encompass Health

Care providers such as Hospitals, Dentists

and Eye Care. It’s important to understand

where your rights begin and government

overreach ends.

United Nations Declaration of Human

Rights – The Universal Declaration of

Human Rights contains 30 Articles.

Articles that are most relevant to this topic


Article 2 – Everyone is entitled to all the

rights and freedoms set forth in this

Declaration, without distinction of any

kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,

religion, political or other opinion, national

or social origin, property, birth or other



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Article 3 – Everyone has the right to life,

liberty and security of person.

Article 7 – All are equal before the law and

are entitled without any discrimination to

equal protection of the law…

Articles 8 – Everyone has the right to an

e!ective remedy by the competent

national tribunals for acts violating the

fundamental rights granted him by the

constitution or by law.

Article 9 – No one shall be subjected to

arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10 – Everyone is entitled in full

equality to a fair and public hearing by an

independent and impartial tribunal…

Article 12 – No one shall be subjected to

arbitrary interference with his privacy,

family, home or correspondence, nor to

attacks upon his honour and reputation.

Everyone has the right to the protection of

the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13 – Everyone has the right to

freedom of movement and residence

within the borders of each state. Everyone

has the right to leave any country,

including his own, and to return to his


Article 17 – Everyone has the right to own

property alone as well as in association

with others. No one shall be arbitrarily

deprived of his property.

Article 18 – Everyone has the right to

freedom of thought, conscience and

religion; this right includes freedom to

change his religion or belief, and freedom,

either alone or in community with others

and in public or private, to manifest his

religion or belief in teaching, practice,

worship and observance.

Article 19 – Everyone has the right to

freedom of opinion and expression; this

right includes freedom to hold opinions

without interference and to seek, receive

and impart information and ideas through

any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20 – Everyone has the right to

freedom of peaceful assembly and


Article 21 – …Everyone has the right of

equal access to public service in his


Article 22 – Everyone, as a member of

society, has the right to social security…

Article 23 – Everyone has the right to

work, to free choice of employment, to just

and favourable conditions of work and to

protection against unemployment…

Article 27 – Everyone has the right freely

to participate in the cultural life of the

community, to enjoy the arts…

Article 30 – Nothing in this Declaration

may be interpreted as implying for any

State, group or person any right to engage

in any activity or to perform any act aimed

at the destruction of any of the rights and

freedoms set forth herein.

Nuremberg Code (1947) – The Nuremberg

Code was penned following the atrocities

committed by the Nazi scientists. I bet

Germany was telling the people then to

“trust the science”. The Nuremberg Code

states “The voluntary consent of the

human subject is absolutely essential. This

means that the person involved should

have legal capacity to give consent; should

be so situated as to be able to exercise free

power of choice, without the intervention

of any element of force, fraud, deceit,

duress, overreaching, or other ulterior

form of constraint or coercion; and should

have su"cient knowledge and

comprehension of the elements of the

subject matter involved as to enable him to

make an understanding and enlightened

decision.” No one has any real idea of how

the vaccine works or what’s in it. The

COVID vaccine inserts are intentionally

le# blank. The authorities have persuaded,

pressured lied, incentivized, bullied,

shamed, guilted, threatened, ostracized,

punished and criminalized to coerce many

into taking the experimental COVID

vaccine. Vaccines that normally takes 10+

years to bring to market were rushed out

the door in a few months, bypassing

animal trials. Even if the FDA rubber

stamps the mRNA jab, FDA approval would

come before the stage 3 trials are suppose

to be completed in 2023. The COVID

vaccine remains experimental and

everyone is being treated as a guinea pig in

de$ance of the Nuremberg Code that

stipulates no one should be experimented


Law Experts in Canada – Law experts have

already noted that the Canadian

Government could not force anyone to get

vaccinated – “Among the issues to be

navigated: Could employers force sta! to

get vaccinated? There is no legal precedent

for that, say employment lawyers.” In

Canada, law $rms have pretty much laid

out what you can expect from workplace

vaccine mandates and some of the

information supports the $ndings in this

article. Alberta Health has con$rmed its

view that Alberta Public Health Act, section

38(1)(c) 38(1)(c) does provide government

with the power to order immunization or

re-immunization for Albertans. The

Alberta Government has indicated that it

will remove this section from the Act.

While Premier Doug Ford’s government

said it’s making vaccination mandatory, if

people in those high-risk settings, whether

it’s teachers, nurses or long-term care

workers don’t want to be vaccinated, they

can opt for testing instead. Premier Doug

Ford goes as far as saying that it is their

“constitutional right” to decide whether or

not they want to get the shot. Trudeau

Liberals banning unvaccinated Canadians

from travel violates Privacy Act, says

Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien.

Compulsory disclosure of personal

medical information to access public

services is a breach of the Privacy Act,

according to the federal Privacy

Commissioner. PCR testing is a ‘criminal

o!ence’ under Canadian law. BC judge

rules COVID vaccinations a private matter.

Court victories against vaccine mandates

are happening around the world. In the

US, if you are dismissed by your employer,

you can $le a criminal complaint. You can

also contact

Canadian Constitution & Canadian

Charter of Rights and Freedoms – The

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

sets out those rights and freedoms that

Canadians believe are necessary in a free

and democratic society. The Charter is

one part of the Canadian Constitution.

The Constitution is a set of laws containing

the basic rules about how our country

operates. For example, it states the powers

of the federal, and provincial and

territorial governments in Canada. Any

treatment without informed consent was

ruled by the Canadian Supreme Court to

be unconstitutional. To be injected with

something that you do not want, that’s

considered experimental, with no real

information on ingredients, that lacks long

term trials to be able to gauge mid to long

term risks is not true informed consent.

Although we are familiar with the shortfalls

of COVID vaccine adverse-e!ect tracking

systems (less than 1% reporting accuracy),

we can already gauge the short term

serious adverse-e!ects and deaths being

caused by the COVID vaccines Health

Infobase Canada, VAERS, EudraVigilance.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Section 1 – Guarantee of rights and

freedoms include

the right to live and seek employment

anywhere in Canada

legal rights (life, liberty and personal


Section 2 – Fundamental Freedoms

1. freedom of conscience and religion;

2. freedom of thought, belief, opinion and

expression, including freedom of the
press and other media of

3. freedom of peaceful assembly; and

4. freedom of association.

Any provision that “shocks the conscience”

pursuant to public policy is unenforceable.

To have something injected into your body

that you don’t want or don’t believe is

safe shocks all sensibilities. To be forced to

assume serious harm or death would be

contrary to one’s conscience. Con%icts

with religious freedoms is also

unenforceable. The last surviving architect

of the Canadian Charter of Rights and

Freedoms, The Honourable Brian

Peckford, P.C., utterly condemns the

Canadian government’s response to the

“pandemic” and consequently its blatant

violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights

and Freedoms.

Canadian Privacy Act – The Privacy

Act came into e!ect in 1983 and is the law

governing the personal information

handling practices of federal government

institutions. The purpose of this Act is to

extend the present laws of Canada that

protect the privacy of individuals with

respect to personal information about

themselves held by a government

institution and that provide individuals

with a right of access to that information.

A private individual has the right to keep

his information private and that also goes

for the government. The law stipulated

that the government does not have the

write to give away your private

information and that includes private

medical information. This act puts the

government in a bind since it can’t

coordinate with private organizations

based on your medical status to enforce

medical treatment. Under Purpose of Act

section pertaining to the Collection,

Retention and Disposal of Personal

Information 4 “No personal information

shall be collected by a government

institution unless it relates directly to an

operating program or activity of the

institution.” However, a loophole is

encountered under Disclosure of Personal

Information 8 (2)(m)(i) “the public interest

in disclosure clearly outweighs any

invasion of privacy that could result from

the disclosure, or…”

Healthcare Privacy Legislation – The

Personal Health Information Protection

Act (PHIPA), 2004 established rules for the

collection, use and disclosure of personal

health information about individuals that

protect the con$dentiality of that

information and the privacy of individuals

with respect to that information, while

facilitating the e!ective provision of health

care. Personal health information is

protected by law. The Information and

Privacy Commissioner of Ontario breaks

down the health privacy rights in Ontario

stating “PHIPA gives you the right to refuse

or give consent to the collection, use or

disclosure of your personal health

information, except in certain

circumstances speci$ed in PHIPA.” Those

circumstances are related to the young and

incapacitated. The act was written prior to

current broad and sweeping mandates and

would preclude such.

Canadian Human Rights Commission –

Discrimination and harassment are against

the law in Canada. File a claim!

Vegan – Ethical veganism has previously

been found to amount to a belief. Vegans

do not consume animal products and

morally object to medications going

through animal testing. It seems that

vegans can contest dismissal in certain

places on earth such as the UK and New

York. A precedent that could be carried

over to many countries in concordance

with human rights decrees speci$cally with

those of religious freedoms.

Liberty Coalition Canada -The Liberty

Coalition Canada is made up of

representatives of various confessionally

orthodox churches, denominations,

organizations and fellowships. The

organization has pledged to help those that

do not want to take the COVID vaccine. As

Christians grounded in scripture, we

uphold the solemn and inherited right of

every person to assert their freedom to

decline any unwanted medical treatment

or procedure, including vaccination

without fear of discrimination,

punishment or reprisal. We are made in

the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and we are

the Temple of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians

6:19-20). We were commanded not to

desecrate His Temple (1 Corinthians 3:17).

Any gene therapy that overtakes the proper

function of our cells to make foreign

agents such as spike proteins changes our

nature from what God intended. This

mRNA vaccine is gene therapy, con$rmed

by Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD – the

inventor of mRNA. Science will not stop

there and this issue will only worsen with

DNA vaccines. God created human beings

and all the earth’s resources and called

them to work, thus freedom to work is an

inalienable right that no person should be

unjustly denied (Exodus 20:9; 1 Timothy

5:8). The line is being drawn with mRNA

vaccines. Go to the Liberty Coalition

Canada web site, print and sign a

declaration you can present your employer

on the grounds of religious freedom. You

can also report any discrimination to

Useful Resources – Vaccine Choice

Canada, Canadian Covid Care Alliance and

Stand Up Canada can be additional helpful

resources for those that do not want to take

the COVID vaccine.

Therapeutics – There are many

therapeutics being used to successfully

treat COVID patients and many more are

coming to the market. There is no need to

inject oneself with a mystery potion.

Clinical studies have proven that

IVERMECTIN is a safe, e!ective, widely

available and an inexpensive medication

that you can get right now. The push is for

nothing else than “vaccines”. You do

not have to take experimental gene therapy

shots to protect yourself. Don’t gamble on

your health or the health of your loved

ones with experimental injections.

Smoking Gun – A smoking gun came with

the latest report by Reuters which indicate

that the COVID vaccine is ine!ective;

“Delta infections among vaccinated likely

contagious; Lambda variant shows vaccine

resistance in lab.” If that wasn’t clear

enough, the New York Post reported that

“Deadly Lambda variant could be

neutralizing vaccines, new study say.”

If your boss comes to you with an

ultimatum, take the shot or you’re $red,

you can take these steps:

01. The Constitution supersedes Mandates.

02. Your request infringes upon the

Canadian Charter of Rights.

03. My medical history is private and is

protected under the Healthcare Privacy


04. I will not be volunteering my body to


05. Please provide me the full “vaccine”

ingredient list as well as all short, mid and

long term complications based on actual

human clinical trials. Otherwise, there can’t

be informed consent.

06. If you no longer honour laws

surrounding medical privacy, I would like a

list of those who are equally putting my life

at risk such as those with Aids/HIV,

Hepatitis A, B, C, syphilis, in%uenza etc…

07. Your request infringes upon the UN

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

08. Your request is in de$ance of the

Nuremberg Code which states no one

should be experimented on.

09. I refuse to get vaccinated based on

freedom of conscience.

10. I don’t feel safe taking experimental

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