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Acot, Karla Jean G.

Legal Writing
“I choose someone who loves me”

People maybe left pondering in the question “Would you choose someone who loves you or
someone you love?” I bet most would answer, they’d choose someone they love. They might think it’s
hard to be with someone you don’t really have feelings on. But what if you are the only one who loved
him? You have chosen someone who never loved you back, that no matter what you do, your efforts
were unappreciated. Unrequited love is the worst kind of pain anyone could feel. It’s like waiting for
something that’ll never come and giving all your best effort but still fail in the end.

As such, I’d rather choose someone who loves me. Being with someone, who sees your worth,
appreciates you for who you are and is genuine to you is something worthwhile. Our emotions are
everchanging. Our feelings to someone may eventually grow into the love and relationship that we so
desire. Of course, our feelings will not develop in a snap, but through time, it may. Who would not fall
for someone who cares for you so much?

Such situation is comparable to working in an employer who doesn’t really see your worth. Why
stay in a company that would leave you stagnant and does not nurture and see your potential? Go to
where you can flourish and bloom, individually and career wise! Love is also like that. We have to be
wise in our decisions. Staying in a toxic relationship, loving someone even if he doesn’t love you back to
the point of getting hurt is unhealthy. Think about it, maybe we keep getting hurt because of our wrong

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