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Review Essay Savonarola Studies in Italy on the 500" Anniversary of the Friar’s Death dy Kowean Eisenicuen Gian Calo Gasfignis ed. Sud sevmaraians Vil Ventana (Se ‘vonaroie In Toscana, Ati e document 1.) Fenze: SISMEL Pdizioni del Galluzzo, 1996. vii + 344 pp. a.p. ISBN: 8857027-01-, Gian Carlo Garfgaini ed. Savonerole ele palin. (Savonatls ela "Tosana, Atte dacementi, 2) Firenze: SISMEL Ealioni del Galluzzo, 1997. si 1269 pp. mp. ISBN: 88-87027-01-3. Govanfeanceico Pico delle Mirandola. Vite di Hieronime Sasonarole (lperizamen anonino)- Ba. Rafa Castagnola.Prelace by Gian Calo Garfagain!. Savonarla el Toscana, At docs ‘ment 4) Fuca: SISMEL Faison del Galluzo, 1998. xxx 498 pp. np ISBN 88.87027-21°8 Massimiliano G. Rosio, O.EM, ed. Senate rive (1498-1998) (Camaest di fer edi ogg, 13) Fitemse: Bison Cie ci Vita, 1998. 229 pp. np. ISBN: na, Girolamo Savonsroln. Fee espero dé wn profits. Pine sles Into- ‘duction, translation and notes by Adriana Valerio, Milano: Proline Editoriale, 1998. 213 pp. np. ISBN na Girclmo Savonaol. “Se nom bu crit noms er erisiana.” Te ‘preiche Bd, Paolo Viti. eonogrape eeach and comment by LLudovica Sebregond. Fenze: Oxo Equstis Sancti Sepalhr Hierosolymitani and Le Letere, 1998. 159 pp. n.p. ISBN! 88-7166-412-4 Girolamo Savonarola.Sermone in primam div loans pila scondo autora. Te latino con tedacione italiana a font. Ed. A ‘mando F Verde and Elewa Giacon, (Savorarla ela Toscana, ‘Aue document, 3) Fieaze SISMEL Ealaioni del Galluzzo, 1998. sai + 312 pp. mp. ISBN: 88-87027-09-9. aoe Cea 29954895 (ABT 408 RENAISSANCE QUARTBRLY 1 five-hundredch anniversary of Girolamo Savonarol’s death (1498-1998) was observed by schol euleural and religous com- "unc in aly with a vatey of conferences, publications exhibitions sad even concerts, In Tuscany, in paticula, the three communities joined forces and, sting a erly a 1995, began to lay out veritable ‘morgiabord of evens, For the most pat, these were nt simply com rmemorative occasions, but valid scholary endeavors firmly aimed at ‘advancing our knowledge ofthis exceptional figure of ate Quattroento Tel. Ara reul scholars worldwide en aow tea the benefits of chese iniiatves which, without a doubr, have given Savonacolan studies re~ rowed vigor and greater attention, Whila numberof lered volumes “manatig fiom ches events ate sil in preparation others have alend appeared. fe ofthese wil be reviewed inthe current atl as an ind ‘ation of the variety nor only of works published, but of groups cutendly ineerested in Savonaol Tor Savonaol scholars, one ofthe Rist and mos importane events ‘oxganized in aticipation of he snnivesary vs the seminar onthe gen tral topic of “Studi savonarolian” held oa 14-15 January 1995 in Florence under che auspice of some ofthe most eminent institutions of that city — he Fondazione Esio Franceschini, the Istituto Nevonale ‘Studi sl Rinsscimento the journal Menor Demencene, the Academia "Torcana di Scienze e Leute "La Colombari,” che Comune di Firenze, and the Regione Toscana. The expanded proceedings fom this congress ‘wer subsequently edited by Gian Calo Gafagini under the cle Sed? _sonaraliant Vil Ventnaro (1996) and became the int volume in ‘new and pretigious series, “Savonarla ela Toscana, Atte document.” ‘th the sina and the volume sought ost the couse Fra renewed ‘czamination ofthe Fear fia and hs influence on dhe history, cul ‘ead spiiualty of late Renaissance Horace ‘The opening eatement by Donald Weinstein, the Anglo-American dean of Savonaola studies served ar an inteoduction vo this and farue ‘seminars and ie apey ted "Stu savonaolian:passto, present e fur tur." Ina simple, clas, yr scholarly rigorous overview of past and present researc, Weinstein argue fran end to partisan approaches to Srvonarola and his work. Alteady in the immediate aftermath ofthe Siar execution, public and schol opinion had divided itl ineo evo ‘opposing camps, iagnoni and aco-Piagnonion oe side seeking wo can- ‘nize he fin and Arabia and neo-Arabiat on the othe intent on reallng not only his heterodox, bur also, ar Buckhardan scholarship ‘would have i his abominable stacks om all that was true and beaut {bout the Renaissance, Weinstein point out that nether group nor afl- SAVONAROLA STUDIES IN FTALY a9 ined scholarly tadition can offer rly historical reconstruction ofthe rman and the event he precipitate, He insite, insted chat the ne hat come to brea fe from the stranglehold of the Piagnoni/Arabbiatci- chotomy inorder to pursues more hitorographicl and evenly couse of esearch, ‘Weinstein i noe the Rist to sae uch a eal, A similar appeal fra historic turn” in Savonaroa scholarship had been made already Riley years ago by scholars wich se Delio Cantino, Giorgia Spin and Ege io Garin. Inch decades that followed, it wt heard and picked up by Giulio Cain and Fr Armando Verde, O.P, whose careful philological and historical research contributed enormously to a lester ndertind ing of che historical figure of che friar and his wing, Along the sume Tine, exttemely valuable work on the racial and eltscal context of| Savonarolan Florence has ben carted ou in the lst decades by exer tminent scholars whose names, today, ate insribed in che pantheon of| Florentine sudies — Rubinstein, Gilbert, Vasoli,& W. Kent, Betli, ‘Martel, de Maio, Paizo, jus t9 mention afew. ‘Aside fom chet advances in the philological and historical spprosch to Savonarol, however, Weinstein notes that in other aeat ‘much work sill needs robe dane inorder to fee Savonarala from hie DiagnonifArrabbie:ssightjacket. Returning toa subject dear eo hie heart, Weinstein points out that Savonaclas career a2 prophet is sill, viewed in light fold paradigms drawn from confessional theology and hagiography Similar. the questions of avonarola as a promoter of te- publican government, of his influence onthe Reformation, and of his role asrligius thinker and moral rachel sil nex tobe re-examined fiom a moe hinoriographic perspective fie from old dualisms. "The articles tha fol Weinstein introduction are grouped into three general area: Savonacoa and Florence; clare athe time of Sav rnarol andthe Savonarlan movement. Their authors represen the best ‘of Forentnescholaehip from aly and che Anglo-American world, both ‘yungand well eablishe. Tr would be iting ois and describe at lease tome of dem, but space imitations oblige me wo sty ony that he exe lence of their work wil se to it chat the collection (and the series it inaugurates) will quickly become a fundamental work not ony in Save rnarola studies, but in research on late Quatrocento and Cingueeento Hlorence a whol. ‘The second seminar was held on 19-20 October 1996 and focused “specifically on Savonarol place inthe pla life of late Quatuocento Florence. The proceedings appeared in 1997 asthe second volume in the serie "Savonaola els Toncaa, Atte document and bore the tle Se 490 RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY anarol ¢ le poltiee. This second volume i alo divided into sheee sections Savonarolas polit thought; the polidal sxucurs of Savon ssolan Hoteace; and Savonarols socal reforms. To go along with the ‘ich more retited top he it of eontributors ie als sigaianely re duced — but not at che expense of scholarship. ‘Gian Calo Garfignat opens the volume witha detailed analysis of Savonatols 1494-1495 cycler of sermons on Haggai snd the ralms. Tete ae imporeane seimons from the point of view of Savonaol in- solver inthe politi fe ofthe cy for they mark che stare ofthat “pest Savonatlan season of politial- prophetic preaching, completly dicated wo ensuring for high and mid-ankng’cizens way out of he “nstittional morae [of Florence through the asurance of divine sup- pore” (p 4). Speaking tothe Florentnes from the pulpit in the citys ‘xthodrl,Savnazoa becomes the focus ofa debate on government and ‘efoum that was 0 continue inthe years chat followed. Polo Prodi fol- lows with an xaination of Savonaols preaching in 1495-1497 when the city wae crying out ie expesiment witha more poplar form of or ‘ernment. Prod conclusions, based on a careful reading of over 200 {etrnons preached in there yat thatthe rie wan fc, much mote “politcal” than traditional scholarship on his prophetic mission would have ‘Lorenzo Polizzi contribution ian incisive look tthe long-range floc of Savonaclas preaching, Searing with the observaion chat before 1490 Savonaols had shown i incre or socal quetons,Polzotto then ete the firs pose 1490 change in preaching sje and in his ac- tude vo social questions. Without abandoning his primary intention of demonstrating the rth of he Faith and the need for personal spiritual ‘elon, om his tetun to Horence Savonarola significantly modified the fomtent and syle of his sermon by giving them grete immediacy and ‘our references to the socio-political ination ofthe cry. While il fo- “using on the sptiial well-being of is Ltenes, Savonarola began to ‘Connect with thei obligation ro practice char, tha, wid hee dry to expres thie love for God through cei ove ofneghbor.Poizotto then teste impact of Savonarolas message on the charitable nsicu- tions ofthe city pointing out, in particular, how, moved by he fria?s teachings hie deiples gave themselves so generously wo volunteer work in lovences socal and pilschtopic nerwork that hey not only gained, bu manesined conte of i for several generations, thus keeping the fas message alive well inc the mid-Cinguecento. Thissecond volume ende wih fourth section no clearly connected to the tte topic of polities — che presentation ofa recently discovered SAVONAROLA STUDIES IN TTALY on autograph codex containing Savonaols sermons on the fit epee af John. Valuable and noteworthy as this divevery i its presence in this ‘vole seins somewhat gratuitous, especially since the owa ails by Fr. Armand Verde and Pieto Scapecehi were later republished inthe thie lume of the sete, Sermane in primam dv loans epiolan se- condo Isat, at introduction an append, respectively. “This chied volume, prepared by Bs, Armando F. Verde and Blea Giaconi offers etal edition of che original Latin text of the sermons ‘as given in the autograph manusrpe As Fr, Vedi points oui his into- duction, chs version varies sigaiicanly from the edt princep of ‘Venice, 1536; ltr used for the 1989 edition published in the "Ezione Nazionale dlle Opete di Givlano Sayonara" (sonically, by Be Vee himself In defence ofthe 1989 edition, i should be noted that ath ‘ime the autograph manusctipc was unknown, fort became available only when the Ministero dei Beni Cslturl snd the Casa ei Rispamio i Frene purchased ieata 1993 sl ae Sothebyin London and then de posited tito the Biblioteca Nesionae Centrale in Florence. Both Fe Verde’ inoduction an Bletera Giaconis cael philological append point, and ty deal with, the probleme rotuae thats with dhe prob Tem of what contiutes an authoritative cext in tradition where manuscript and print culate coexist. Savonaolas original tex, they ‘ote was ded not only in its published edion of 1536, but loin ‘he manvscrp copie that were ielaing athe sme. An appendix by Piero Seapecci (reprinted fom volume 2, above) conics the codes tuvee fom Florence to Eaglnd, and then ack o Florence again. Ne ther the introduction nor the we appendices acully discus the content ofthe Sermancy, but then, given tha this woume Bring light the di ovey of x noteworthy Savonaols autograph, the editors may well be ‘excused for Facing on the manuscript rather than is contens. A ae ing page Taian canslation entiches the edo "The fourth volume inthe “Savonarols ela Toscana, Atte docu enti scree again documento —an edition of a contemporary snonymous translation into Falian af Giovanfancsco Pico dell Miran ‘doles Vie Hiroe Savonael,orginaly witeen i Lavi. Although peblithed quite late and abroad (Pais, 1674; London, 1681), the work enjoyed wide deseminaion in Fly i manuseripc form throughout the Sixeeath and serententh centuries, so much o tht the age number of ‘extant copes and fragment, wih al shi variants, omissions and a sions, greatly complicate the editors work and, once aga ‘problema tetuas), Nonetheless, che carte published text ses 10 be Dhilologially sound and, at these ie, easly aceribe. In ber nto isc the i RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY duction, the editor, Raffaella Casagaols, points tothe differences becween the original Latin text by Peo della Mirando andthe anony- ‘mous Ilan translation noting thatthe tanaators omissions generally ‘ouch on doctnal passages, edit examples larned cations, and any ‘hing else tat might be deemed too complicated fora general public hich was interested primary ina hagiography ofthe frit The Vite self structured inewo parts the frst a chronological Biography, the second isting of meses performed bythe alleged saint, [Not quite hagiographical, yet, though certainly aimed a the con- ‘verted, Adriana Valeo collection of eleeed pasages frm Savonarolas ols Fp profes Peay ahi text — for one, she language spelling and punctuation ofthe passages have been modernized to filiatereding by non-specais, The ed tor intention i clearly co render some of Savonarols works known to & wider public. While attimes preachy, Vlei introduction is monethe- less commendable, fori provides, in bref bold stokes, «churn shesch of Sevonaoli life, his ole ar a mystic and his wodk aa reformer. Saatng with Dante and proceeding though St. Catherine and St. Ber- nadine o arti atSavonaola, Valco presents the “young Dominican liar" in the context ofa much-longed-oerensotioeclree The seats contained inthe volume conte afl representative collection of | Savonaola’s writings: the Orato pro eel (prayer forthe Church ‘composed in August 1484 during atime of ede oaante), the Trae

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