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Download Biceps and Triceps Gym Wokrout Chart PDF

21st August 2021 by Murshid Akram

Administrator of the

Triceps Exercises List

1. Close Grip Bench Press

2. Parallel Bar Dips

3. Weighted Triangle Pushup

4. Barbell skull Crusher

5. Dumbbell Overhead Extension

6. Rope Pushdown

7. Dumbbell Kickback

8. Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown

9. Incline Cable Overhead Extension

10. Bench Dips

11. Barbell Extension

12. Standing Overhead Barbell Triceps Extensions

13. Cable Triceps Forward Extension

14. Dumbbell Floor Press

15. Cable Tricep Kickback

Biceps Exercises List

1. Chin ups

2. Underhand Inverted Rows

3. Straight Bar Bicep Curl

4. Ez Bar Bicep Curl

5. Dumbbell Twisting Curl

6. EZ Bar Drag Curl

7. Incline Dumbbell Curl

8. Incline Barbell Curl

9. Concentration Curl
10. Cable Curl

11. Cable Reverse Curl

12. Dumbbell Zottoman Curl

13. Preacher Curl

14. Hammer Curl

15. Lying Cable Curl

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