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The most importante invention in the 20th century

In the 20 th century we had several inventions that changed the world.

For me the most importante was the cell phone, because with it distances there wasn’t more.

The comunication is in real time and we can talk with the world since a vey small set( gadget).

This gadget doesn’t just make calls, but it is used to take picturs, to make payments and

transfer money, to know how is the weather here and all places in the woeld, to read News, to

play games, to send messages, do watch films, to llisten musics, to buy and sell goodies, and a

lot of other things that we can imagine.

Its usefulness and benefits are incalculable and therefore impossible to enumerate them.

Currently our life is contained in a cell phone.

For everyone the worst thing that coul happen is loose it !!!

The firsts cell phones were big and heavy and hard to complete the calls.

In that time having a cell phone was a symbol of power.Everybody liked to show off their own.

Also they were very expensive and we needed to wait them on a long line, because only one

company explored such a service.

Everyone, from the poorest to the poorest, has a cell phone. In Brazil, the number of cell

phones is greater than the number of inhabitants.

In the pandemia it helped so much the students with the virtual classes.

The education coul be spreaded among the students with the support of the teachers through

the cell phone

But for me, the most fantastic thing that the cell phone in together with internet has , it is


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