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ENGINEERING WORKSHOP DESIGN tons ‘dead 1-5 super 2:5 tO 2 N 4 = S = g g x a x x ° 8 s 3 & i Oral = 95-47. MAIN STANCHION IN PERMANENT SIDE Cose / loading MAIN LEGS OF GANTRY STANCHION 729 4:0 Ff, 0°42 fom ggg 704s 5-385 Horizontal load on top of stanchion Wind from eaves bracing, 2 x 0-85 =1-7 tons Wind from truss = 0:7 2:4 tons = 10-8 per cent Horizontal load at mid-height Side wind, 12°25 ft. x 9 ft. x 10 Ib. =0°5 ton. B.M. =2:4 x9 +0-5 x 4-5 =23-9 tons ft. 23-9x12 70. Se _ foc= 359g = 735 DF ir ; Total = 10-8 +. 59-5 = 70-3 per cent. 15. Main Legs of Gantry Stanchion in Permanent Side = 59-5 per cent. Case No. ei err | | at Re | +24] 4+ 27) + 2474 Surge: 0-76 x31 ft./2-25 ft. ~10°5 | +105 | +10-5 | -10-5 Eaves wind: 9:4 x 38 ft./2-25 ft. | -40-5 | +40-5 | +40-5| -40-5| -40-5| +40-5 | +405] -405 x Side wind: 2-0 x 20 ft./2-25 ft. | -17°8| +178 | +17-8 | -17°8 | -17-8| +178 | +178 | -178 +95-4 | +76-2 | —42-2 ~§5-9 Gantry leg B,.12-in. x 6-in. ‘1’, 44 Ib. Lb 29 X12 x0°85 =60: 4 — £5 x12 _ rx 494 ory 13 pe=6°35 +25 per cent =7-94 tons per sq. in Sc, case (1), aaa 7-4 tons per sq. in. Outside leg A, 12-in. x 6-in. ‘I’, 44 Ib. fr, case (2), =792 =5-9 tons per sq. in, 24+58.D.M. BASE OF GANTRY STANCHION 731 Note: 34 tons is the 16. Lacings total net vertical Total horizontal shear =0-76 + 2:4 +2-Q4 24 per cent of 34 tons) [020 07 Skanchton =6:01 tons. . moments . ork? 43 tons. SEES ONT OED - Force per lace = 3-in x 2-in. x 3-in. angle, £ 32x12 77 ag 770. =4-77 +25 per cent = 5-96 tons per sq. in.; | 4-3 : . f= 1-46 = 3-0 tons per sq, in. CL. bese ’ En eee rn ever orm when tension occurs CL. 4:75 C.L. bose plote 2-1 Ya'dia bolts J:75 sq. tt BASE OF MAIN STANCHION IN PERMANENT SIDE 4 Fic. 458 * 17. Base of Gantry Stanchion in Permanent Side { Case (J) ~ Load A= —62:0; load B= +960, | Reactions: . ~62x4496x1-75 ~80' + - * an 75 SB a1 - 62 x0-75+96x3-0 +242 Bem 45 eg = +1 Case (2) Load A= +760; load B= —42-0. Reactions: A= +76 x 4-25 ~ 42 x20 +239 — +51 cn ISCAS +76 x05 —42 2:75 -—78 an 475 ars 3

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