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Chapter I. Principles of Statics 1-1, Introduction Engineering mechanics may be defined as the s¢lence which considers the offects of forces on rigid bodies. The subject divides naturally into two parts: statics and dynamics. In statics we consider the effects and distribu- tion of forces on rigid bodies which are and remain at rest. In dynamics vs consider the motion of rigid bodies caused by the forces acting upon em. “EnarwerninG Mecnanics Btatice Dynamics. —_ — Force Systems Applications Kinematics Kinetica —_— —— —— —_—— Concurrent ‘Trusses ‘Translation Translation Parallel Centroids Rotation Rotation Non-Concurrent Friction Plane Motion Plane Motion Fic. 1-1.—Outline of engineering mechanics. A visual introduction to the subject of engineering mechsnies is repre- sented in Fig. 1-1. The subject has two main divisions: statics and dynamics. These are subdivided into two subbranches. In statics we consider first the various types of forse aystems, then their application to the various condi- tions shown. Not all phases of statics, however, are represented in the dis- gram, merely the more common elements. Dynamics ie simailarly divided; there are kinematics (which deals with the pure motion of rigid bodies) and kinetics. (which relates the motion to the applied forces). Each of these eubdivisions deals primarily with the rigid body motions of translation, rotation, and plane motion. These terme nre discussed at Iengih in Part TL. For the present, we confine ourselves to statics. 1-2. Fundamental Concepts and Definitions Rigid Body, A rigid body is dofined as n definite amount of matter the parts of which are fixed in position relative to each other, Actually, solid hodies exe never rigid; they deform under the action of applied forces. In many cases, this deformatian is negligible compared to the sise of the body 3 Scanned with CamScanner Saunt 4 PrincipLes or STATICS 2 [Chap. 1 and the body may be assumed rigid. Bodies made of steel or cast iron, for example, are of this type, The study of strength of materials, however, is based on the deformation (however small) of such bodies. Fore. Foree may be defined as that which changes, or tends to change, the state of motion of a body. ‘This definition applies to the external effect ofaforce. The internal effect of a force is (o produce stros# and deformation in the body on whieh the foree acta. Extefnal effects of forces are cone sidered in engineering mechanics; internal effects, in strength of materials, The characteristics of a force are (1) its magnitude, (2) the position of its line of action, and (3) the direction (or sense) in which the force ucts along its line of action. The principle of transmissibility of a force states that the external effect of a force on a body is the same for all points of application along its line of action; i.c., it is independent of the point of application. The internal effect of a force, however, is definitely dependent on its point of application. The uni! of foree commonly used in the United States is the pound, or multiples of the pound such as the kip (1000 pounds) or ton (2000 pounds). Units such as the gram and kilogram are also used. In this book we shall use the “foot-pound-second” system of units; i.e., the common unit of length is taken as the foot, of force as the poand, and of. time as the second. If other units happen to be specified in problems, it is generally desirable to convert them into the foot-pound-second system before solving for the answer. 1-3. Force Systems A force system is any arrangement where two or more forces act on a body or on a group of related bodies. “When the lines of action of all the forecs in a force system lie in one plane, they are referred to as being coplanar; otherwise they are non-coplanar. The coplanar system is obvi- ously simpler than a non-coplanar system since ull the action lines of the forees lie in the same plane, We shall consider first a discussion of coplanar systems; it will then be a relatively simple step to the discussion of non- coplanar or space systems of forces. The force systems are further classified according to their lines of action. Forecs whose lines of action pass through a common point are called con- current; those in which the lines of action are parallel are culled parallel Jorce systems; and those in which the lines of uction neither are parallel nor intersect in a common point are known as non-concurrent force systems. 1-4. Axioms af Mechanics. ‘The principles of mechanics are postulated upon several more oF less self-evident, facts which cannot be proved mathematically but'can only be d with CamScanner Art. 1-5) Introduction to Free-Body Diagrams 5 demonstrated to be true. We shall call these facts the fundamental axioms of mechanics, ‘The axioms are discussed ut length in subsequent articles as they are used, At this time we shull merely collate them for reference and state them in the following form: 1, The parallelogram law: ‘The resultant. of two forces is the diagonal of the parallelogram formed on the vectors of these forces. 2. Two forces are in equilibrium only when equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and collinear in action. 3. A set of forces in equilibrium may be added to any system of forces without changing the effect of the original system. “4. Action and reaction forces are equal but oppositely directed, 1-5. Introduction to Free-Body Diagrams One of the most important concepts in mechanics is that of the free-body diagram. This concept is discussed in detail in Chapter 11] where we first really use it. It is introduced here to help the beginner distinguish between action and reaction forces. To do so, it is necessary to isolate the body being considered. A sketch of the isolated body which shows only the forces acting upon the body is defined as a free-body diagram. The forces ecting on the free body are the action forces, also called the applied forces. The reaction forces are those exerted by the free body upon other bodies. The free body may consist of an entire assembled structure or an isolated T=1001b c P W-1001b (b) BE. ©) Free-body diagram Free-body diagram of point C of derrick Fig, 1-2, ~~ Free-body diagrams. part of it. For example, consider the derrick shown in Fig. 1-2a, ‘The free: . © body diagram of pin C (Fig. 1-2b) shows only the forces acting upon C ‘These forces consist of the weight, the pull T' exerted by the cable, and the force P exerted by the born. If the free-body diagram of the entire derrick Scanned with CamScanner 6 . Pamcirixs or Sratics (Chap, 1 Toe, eae It would show only the force sting on the deni aia 1-2, 1-4, Scalar and Vector Quantities Scalars. Imagine two. groups of marbles, one Consisting of 10 and the other of 5. ° If.a common group is formed by mixing them, the resultant number will be 15 marbles, a result obtained by arithmetical addition. Quantities which possess magnitude only and can be added erithmetically are defined as scalar quantities, ‘ Vectors. At point C of the derrick (Fig. 1~2b) suppose the weight W and the tension 7’ were each 100 Ib. What is the force P in the boom? By arithmetical addition the answer is 200 Ib. This result, however, is incor. rect, as can be determined by means of A measuring device placed in the boom, Actually the force in the boom would vary as the boom was lifted, The error is due to the fact that arithmetical addition was applied to quantities which possess direction as. well as magnitude. Such quantities can be combined only by geometric addition, usually called vector addition, A vector of a quantity can be represented geometrically (i.e., graphically) by drawing a line acting in the direction of the quantity, the Tength of the line representing to some scale the magnitude of the quantity. An arrow is placed on the line, usually at the end, to denote the sense of the direction, 1-7, Parallelogram Law The method of vector addition is based on what it lelogram law. The Parallelogram Isw cannot be pi demonstrated by experiment. mechenics. One method of dem paretus shown in Fig. 1-3. Tie (! P,Q, and W to the free ends, EN Ms is known as the paral- roved; it can only be It is one of the fundamental axioms of onstrating the law is by, means of the ap- hree cords together and fasten the weights (The sum of P and.Q must be greater than W.) Place the cords to which P and Q are attached over the smooth pegs as shown and allow the ‘system to reach a position of equilibrium, The tensions in these cords will then be equal to the weights P and Q. Draw vectors P and Q to seale from point A where the cords are tied together and construct a psrallelogram with these vectors t the initial cides. Fic, 1-3, ~ Parallelogram law. It will be found that the diago- Scanned with CamScanner

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