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Christian Jasper G.

David November 23-28

NSTP 7006

November 26, 2020

Today, I have watched the mass conducted at the Facebook page of SLU
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Parish, by Fr. Sales. He talked about Jesus’ return and the
question of “are we ready for His return?”. This made me think about my recent
deeds and whether I am doing good acts that are pleasing to God or not. I also
thought about what would be my reaction if ever Jesus returned right now.
Would I be ready? Would I repent? Would I rejoice? These are some of the
thoughts that flew about my mind as I was watching the online live stream mass. I
listened to the gospel and homily and came up with the conclusion that in order
to welcome Jesus’ return with our whole hearts, minds and souls, we must stand
erect with our head raised in the glorious return of Jesus.

When the night came, me and my groupmates talked with each other
about our videos that must be done. I took an introductory video of myself and
told my groupmates to also do the same. Then, I told Milko Devera, my
groupmate, to be in charge of managing and editing our video. He has sufficient
experience in terms of video editing and thus, I assigned that task to him.

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