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By Buddy Mondlock
Verse 1

Mother and child in a magazine ad,

Madonna would smile with the wise loving Dad.

She’s always dreamed that’s the way it would be,

but she don’t want to have a baby.

Verse 2

She’s got this love she’s saved all of her life,

Whenever push came to shove, she’d hold onto it tight.

But now she looks at herself and can’t believe who she sees,

She don’t want to have a baby.


How did it come to this, she tries to make a list,

crumples it in her fist and squeezes it hard but,

blood won’t come from a stone just, love, what this world has shown her.

How can she make a home from some little heart.

Verse 3

She turns the dial to the evening news,

A celebrity trial full of television crews and she thinks,

“Somebody died so they could sell soul to me”,

And she don’t want to have a baby.


Verse 4

Bars on the windows and locks on the doors,

To keep somebody in or out, she’s not so sure anymore.

This world is dangerous so why can’t he see,

she don’t want to have a baby.


How did it come to this, she tries to make a list,

crumples it in her fist and squeezes it hard but,

blood won’t come from a stone. Neither will flesh and bone an’,

She’s better off alone, her life’s full of stars.

Verse 5

Mother and child in a magazine ad,

Just look at those smiles, on the Mom and Dad.

She always dreamed that’s the way it would be, now

She don’t want to have a baby. (x 3)

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