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Funeral procession complete with priests/clerics

2. Noble in carriage with guards
3. Recently wounded folks with tales of bandits that have stolen their stuff
4. Armed people just taking a break (might look like bandits. Good to use on bridges).
5. A brass dragon that really wants to talk to you and will bury you in the ground if you try to leave
(see sleep gas)
6. Bard singing stories. Ask the party if they have any stories for him.
7. Pottery merchant.
8. Jeweler traveling with wares and guards
9. A tipped over wagon with goods and people missing
10. Old senile wo/man on the side of the road
11. A troop of Halflings heading to their new home
12. A cleric/priest preaching the end of days who tries to get the party to confess their sins and
13. Messenger galloping down the road on a horse shouting “make way, make way!”
14. A hedge knight and their squire
15. Soldiers in formation lead by a knight marching down the road.
16. Traveling merchant selling perfumes, balms, ointments, oils, and “healing potions”.
a. Potions might take a while to kick in, he says. Totally not magical.
17. A set of cowboys herding their cows
a. Or pigs
18. Mule drawn wagon with dwarven traders carrying stone and metal goods for trade. Armed with
breastplates and warhammers.
19. Wagon travelers stopped on the side of the road making food and resting.
20. A pair of hunters bringing home their kill which hangs from a pole between them.
a. Deer, boar, squirrels, rabbits, pheasants, etc.
21. Blood in the ground. The scene of a recent battle, but with not people or bodies.
22. A body hung from a tree with a sign on it warning passers by
a. From local government to keep bandits in line
b. from bandits to keep locals in line
23. A pre-wedding party drinking and traveling on their way to the ceremony.
24. A furtive person offering to sell the party narcotics
25. A parent teaching their offspring to ride a horse.
26. Beggars
27. People competing in a footrace between towns
28. A dual between two fighters.
29. A lone escaped cow.
30. Traveling Circus
31. Lost, crying children
32. A dead warrior, propped up against a tree. His foe dead before him.
33. A slave merchant with guards and slaves in tow
34. An exotic animal trader looking to buy or sell. Has guards and exotic wild animals
35. An evangelical cleric preaching the good word of Martha / Astair (or other good / lawful gods)
36. Traveling wizard on waggon pulled by donkeys
37. Group of pilgrims
38. Gnomes with a partially disassembled waggon arguing over the proper way to fix it.
39. An amorous couple off the road whose sounds of enjoyment can be heard
40. Prospectors
41. Silent monks / nuns
42. Another group of adventurers peacefully walking down the road
a. Fighter / Cleric / Wizard / Thief
b. Fighter / Fighter / Cleric / Thief
c. Fighter / Wizard / Wizard / Thief
d. Fighter / Fighter / Fighter / Cleric
e. Fighter / Cleric / Cleric
f. Mirror of party
43. A prisoner being escorted by a knight / armed man
44. A naked man who has gambled away his clothes. Surprisingly well spoken.
45. A leper
46. Someone who dropped a wedding ring and is scouring the road for it.
47. Soldiers of a local government asking people to pay an actual toll (not bandits!). Have a man in
shackles next to them.
48. Traveling blind man with a scimitar.
49. Single female elf walking alone
50. Traveling glass blower with guards
51. Beekeeper resting on the side of the road with his bee boxes in a cart.
52. Person / People re building a small bridge over a creek / stream
53. Traveling alchemist from far far away
54. A hunter who asks you to be quiet because “it’s close”
55. Traveling magician
56. Tax collector moving down the road with their enforcers
57. Person gone mad with the heat frantically digging a hole in the middle of the road.
58. Insane person begging for punishment
59. Local teenagers high as a kite on mushrooms / drugs / alcohol
60. Berry pickers
61. Gambling stall
62. Fallen tree blocking the road, but no ambush.
63. Traveling cheese vendor
64. Rehearsing dancers/actors in a field getting it right before they show up in town.
65. Bounty hunter armed to the teeth. Asks the party if they’ve seen who s/he’s looking for. Has a
really bad sketch of their target.
66. Traveling fortune teller
67. Nobles out on a fox hunting party
68. Runaway slave
69. Mail carrier & single escort
70. Traffic jam of waggons trying to get past a block in the road
71. Dead courier
72. Survivor(s) from a caravan attack
73. Traveling diplomat and armed escort
74. Tea house with people resting
75. A waterhole + another thing from this list
76. Traveling wine merchant
77. A painter drawing a lovely landscape
78. Priests/Clerics preaching against dwarves (or other subrace)
79. Lonely traveler who joins the party and walks along with them
80. Roadside tavern
81. A festival set up off the road with merchant stalls, music, dancing, art, drinking, etc.
82. Someone who recognizes the party and is a fan of their work! Wants to hear their stories.
83. Military patrol that asks if the party has seen anything unusual.
84. Lone paladin cleansing the land of evil
85. Someone selling jewelry at a heavy discount on the side of the road. A thief fencing his stolen
86. Roadside altar / temple
87. Peasants moving grain by the wagon load
88. Peasants moving fruits / veggies
89. Traveling foreigner who doesn’t speak the language asking for directions to town. (Subrace that
doesn’t speak common? Gnome / Halfling?)
90. Horse with a saddle but no rider
91. A man burying some bodies on the side of the road / old graves on the side of the road.
92. Roadside brothel (has bouncers)
93. Bones littering the ground off the road. The site of a battle from ages ago.
94. Sudden rainstorm the party must take shelter from
95. People napping on the side of the road.
96. Herd of animals wandering about without an owner. Cows/sheep/goats/pigs.
97. Tarred and feathered person
98. A person stuck in a pit trap on the road.
99. Deserters from some armed force. They are well armed but dejected and keep to themselves.
100. Mercenary group that’s recently been hired and moving on to their new job.

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