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Rashiel Jane Paronia Celiz March 25, 2021

BSED-Filipino 4B Dr. Estoque

1. What do I learn about 3 learning Domains and SMART in the formulation of learning

Answer: For me I learned that the 3 learning domains and SMART helps a lot in the
formulation of learning outcomes/objectives that learning is an integral part of every
individual’s life. It is very key to growth and development and hence requires the
need for both students and teachers to be committed to the process. It is further
necessary to ensure that the delivery of learning combines generally different facets
which have been identified to be the domains of learning.

2. What are the important considerations in preparing a sequenced learning teaching plan?

Answer: The important considerations in preparing a sequenced learning teaching plan

Gain attention, Inform learner of objectives, Stimulate recall of prior knowledge,
Present new content, Provide guidance, Practice, Provide feedback, Assess
performance and Enhance retention and transfer.

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