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1. What is a Bug?

2. What is the difference between severity and priority?

3. What is the difference between Assert and Verify commands in test automation?

4. What is the QA Testing Life Cycle?

5. Are Test Strategies and Test Plans the Same Document?

6. What is the difference between functional and nonfunctional testing?

7. Explain the different exceptions in Selenium WebDriver.

8. What is exception test in Selenium?

9. What are the different types of WAIT statements in Selenium WebDriver?

10. Write a code to wait for a particular element to be visible on a page. Write a code to wait for an alert
to appear.

11. What is the use of Java Script Executor?

12. Can Selenium handle window pop-ups?

13. How to send ALT/SHIFT/CONTROL key in Selenium WebDriver?

14. What is Selenese?

15. What is the difference between Page Object Model (POM) and Page Factory?

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