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CAMILA: I always imagine how I could change and improve some aspects of my life

CAMILA: If I were a professional dancer, I would open my dance academy. But I'm just a rookie
who dreams big things. I also sometimes think that if I had money, I would travel to Seoul to be
part of the most famous dance academy in the world, ONE MILLION so I'm going to try hard
and practice to be a better dancer.

CAMILA: But there is something else that needs to change. A couple of weeks ago, I skipped
my online classes because it was hard for me to concentrate. If I hadn't missed my classes, I
wouldn't have failed the course. My dream is to finish my degree, so I am organizing a
schedule where I can study a lot and relax a bit.

CAMILA: If I had a house or an apartment just for me, I would be more independent. This is
part of my concept of perfect life because having your own space is synonymous with

CAMILA: I refused to study in another city. If I hadn't turned down that opportunity. I would
have had a better chance of traveling. Traveling and knowing many places would be my perfect
life and now I’m studying hard but something that I would like to change is having more free
time to travel.

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