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Topic: Do school uniforms make school a more effective?

Yes, and yes, I’m on pro side. Isn’t it easier to differentiate students? We know s/he is an elementary
student because s/he wears white shirt and red skirt/pants, right? Also, we study in school which means
we study in formal way. And school uniforms are the formal clothe to wear.

“why don’t they wear a blouse with blazer if formal is the point here?” well, they aren’t employees
though? And, isnt that more costly? For me, uniform makes the rules is more simple. Can you imagine if
school allows students to wear whatever they want? Who knows there would be some students that wear
unique clothes? Or impolite clothes? Or the clothes that contain harsh or rude thing? Then we should add
more rules, to make the school better. Because if we only write “wear polite clothes” on the rules, we
don’t know others perception about ‘polite’, right? Hawaiian people might think that dress is polite
enough to worn by students.

The last thing, if we can wear anything that we want, there would be any ‘pride’ between students. The
rich one will wear high class clothe and the poor one will only wear a simple shirt. And I think, it triggers
bullies to do bullying. Or, it makes the number of bullying victim is more increased.

So, yes school uniforms make school a more effective. We don’t need to add any rules, it’s easier to
differentiate students, we don’t need to think any social gap, and even we can handle bullying indirectly.

Name : Aisyah Fitriani (161144002)

Class : 2- TPPG

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