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In the world, the sugary drinks consumption is rising dramatically.

In this
essay, I will examine a number of reasons why numerous people are addicted by
sweetened beverages as well as how this trend can be reversed.

There are many reasons behing the increase of soft drink consumption. To
start with, the primary reasons for this problem is the vigorous commercial
promotion with widespread urbanization and beverage marketing. Drink company
spend billions dollars marketing sugar-based drink, yet generally rebuffs
suggestion that its products and marketing tactics play any roles in the obesity
epidemic. Their effort make soft drink be astonishingly ubiquitous. In reality,
sugary drink advertisement can be found in various place such as: magazines,
television programs, advertising panels, and even a competion sports. Their
advertising campaign typically aimed directly at children and adolescent. A
analysis found that children saw four times as many ads for certain drinks than
adults did. With such ubiquity and creativity, soft drinks easily stimulate
consumer’s curiosity and encourage people to buy them. Secondly, such drinks
provide extra energy, increase mental alertness and help consumers to maintain
high concentration necessary for their work. Finally, the increased consumption of
sugar-based drinks is linked to consumers’ lack of awareness and knowledge of a
healthy diet and lifestyle as well as the dominance of fast food in the food industry.

There are two solutions to this problem. First of all, governments should
impose heavier taxes on sugar-based drinks. By doing so, the number of sugary
beverages available to consumers might be limited. Otherwise, the prices would be
higher, which, I think, might discourage some groups of people from using them.
Furthermore, dealing with this problem also involves educating people about the
negative impacts of these products have on people’s health.

Sugary beverages seem to be a regular part of most people’s lives. This can
be attributed to the advertising of these drinks. And the solution to this problem is
to impose heavier tariffs on soft drinks and educate people about the harmful
effects that those drinks have on people's health

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