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Assume that you are about to start a small business (with about two [2] to three [3] employees) in

your local community. Your primary goal is to maximize profit using an ethical perspective.

Answer the following items: (4 items x 10 points)

1. Which type of management style (immoral, amoral, moral) would you employ? Explain.

The type of management style I will use is that Moral because morality is judgment, standard and
rule of good behavior in society. They guide people toward permissible behaviors regarding core values.

2. Considering the size of the business, what type of ethical lapses (unethical employee, moral
blindness, opportunity pressures, competitive pressures, etc.) do you expect?
Considering the size of my business, the kind of ethical lapses I expect are competitive pressures
because competitive pressure is defined in terms of its impact on a company’s incentives to make
product and process products. change

3. Based on the identified ethical lapses, which ethical test/s (utilitarian principle, golden rule, family
test, etc.) would you use as the foundation of your company? Explain how the chosen ethical test/s
would help minimize if not eliminate the possible ethical lapses.
Based on the identified ethical passes, the ethical tests I will use as the foundation of my company
and how my selected ethical tests can help reduce if not eliminate possible ethical passes is the Golden
Rule is a Guidelines that business leaders can take is to teach their teams about how to respect each
customer and treat them well. Relationships are always essential to business success, and the leader
who builds better relationships is likely to build a better business.

4. Propose ways to maintain the ethical standards in your organization. Give at least three (3)
concrete courses of action.
The three (3) ways to maintain ethical standards in my organization is to maintain Honesty, Integrity
and Fairness because through these three I can maintain the efficiency of my company.

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