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Luna, Ylyza Marie M.

Luna, Ylyza Marie M.

1709CFE 106A
1709 CFE 106A
BSBA FinMan Ba4 BSBA FinMan Ba-4

“Sambuhay” is the reality of your life as you live in the community. You are expected to carry the CICM missionary
spirit as you serve your communities through your works in the accounting or business field. There’s so much
preoccupation in your community that sometimes you forget to spend time in silence. In a peaceful life, silence is
an essential element that lets you to reconnect with yourself, with the community and with God. This goal will be
achieved as you reflect on the following guide questions:

1. As an empowered Louisian, how can you respond to God's call to mission?

God utilizes our connections to help us accomplish the calling in our lives. And, while everyone has
their own distinctive and unique way of contributing to that calling, our collective efforts serve to carry out
the general calling that God has given to us.
Here’s how I respond to God’s call to mission. Love God. We can't expect anything to happen if we are not
linked to a power source. So the first thing we need to do is assess our connection with God. Consistently pray.
If you want God to reveal more specifics about your mission over time, you must have constant communication
with Him. That is the purpose of prayer. Understand why we do what we do. We are instructed to love several
times in the Bible. We must love our neighbors, our adversaries, and everyone else. We can only do so in the
light of John's words: We love each other because He first loved us. NLT 1 John 4:19. Be courageous. We are
never alone when we walk forth in Jesus' name. One of the most merciful things the Lord does in the Bible is
to repeatedly encourage us not to be frightened. Finally, thank Him for the outcome (even if we can't see it).
We may not always see the immediate results of our labor for Christ, but we can be confident that our efforts
are contributing to His ultimate plan and that His will will be done!

2. How can you enter into fellowship with the community you work with?
I can start entering a fellowship by answering the question, Am I consistent? by this I will be seeing
if I am capable or ready to enter into a fellowship. It is critical that I agree on a time and location for
my meeting and then stick to it. Fellowships thrive when they gather consistently each week, on the same
day, at the same time, and in the same place. People may become confused about which week you meet if
you meet every other week. Meeting seldom gives folks an easy way to persuade themselves out of

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