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The present continuous

We use for things that are happening at the moment of speaking.

We can use the present continuous for temporary or new habits .

1.-Am I reading a book right now ?

Yes ,I am Reading a book / No ,I am not Reading a

2.-Is he speaking on the pone with
your teacher ?
Yes ,he is / No ,he is not

3.-Are we cooking together at his moment ?

Yes ,we are / No ,we are not
Using WH Questions :
EXAMPLES : 2.-who is sleeping with a
ball ?
1.-What is mother reading ? Answer :The baby is
sleeping with a ball.

4.-When are they coming?

Answer :she is reading a newspaper.

3.-where is
Answer :They are coming tomorrow
Andrea walking ?

Answer :she is walking in the park .

5.How are we sleeping ? 7.-Why are you loving urban music?

Answer :we are sleeping warmly

6.-Which assignature is she studying? Answer :Is my favorite music

Answer : She is studying English .


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