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Make adverbs from the adjectives in brackets and complete the sentences.

1. Hurry up! Don’t write so ____________ (slow).

2. The teacher explains things ____________ (clear)
3. Can you speak ____________ (loud) please?
4. My brother makes friends ____________ (easy)
5. My father sings ____________ (terrible)
6. Ellie drives ____________ (safe)
7. He carries the baby ____________ (careful)
8. Dave cycles very ____________ (fast)
Write questions and short answers.

1. Chloe / ride a motorbike (-) Can Chloe ride a motorbike? No, she can’t.
2. Tom and Emily / speak French (+)
3. You / dance (-)
4. Jack / play the guitar (+)
5. You and Emily / swim (+)
6. Amy / stand on her head (-)

Write true sentences about you with the actvities below. Use can and can’t + quite
well or very well.
E.g. I can swim quite well but I can’t do Judo very well.

Speak German ride a bicycle play the piano swim do judo

fly a kite cook stand on my head
1. Complete the conversation with CAN or CAN’T.
2. Correct the spelling of the adverbs.

1. Fasily 5. Truely

2. Easily 6. Happly

3. Goodly 7. Terribly

4. Fuly 8. Specialy

3. Choose the correct word – adjective or adverb.

Mr. Awesome likes school and he is a good student. He usually works 1 good / well and he isn‘t 2 bad /
badly. His friend Mr. Frog learns 3 quick / quickly and works 4 quiet / quietly. Most of the other students
learn 5 easy / easily too, but sometimes they are really 6 terrible / terribly. The teacher Mr. is usually 7
nice / nicely to the students, but when they play 8 loud /loudly he gets really 9 angry / angrily. Then he
destroys a table and all the students are suddenly 10 quiet/ quietly– and also 11 afraid / afraidly.
4. Change the adjectives within brackets into adverbs:

1. You run quickly (quick)

2. He cycles ____________ (fast)

3. How do you play so ____________ (good)?

4. I work really hard but I don’t learn things ____________ (easy)

5. I hit the ball ____________ (perfect)! It felt good.

6. She dances ____________ (beautiful) It looks like she makes no effort.

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