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Lecture 1 Genesis

Our Father in Heaven Hollowed be your name. Your Kingdom your will be done on earth as I Heaven.
Give us this depths our Daily Bread and Forgive us our debts, our we Forgiven our Debtors and lead me
not unto Temptation, but Deliver us from evil for your is a Kingdom and power and the Glory Forever.


Matthew 16:13-20

Read it in one Voice.

Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say
that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others
Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter
replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you,
Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I
tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then he strictly charged
the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.

Matt. 16:13-20 ESV


Is tithed God’s Power of CREATION, this Scripture in Genesis 1:1-20,31

Let Read it in one Voice, Let’s take a Look at the Word that God has permitted.

And God made the two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the
night and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule
over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was
good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. And God said, “Let the waters
swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the
heavens.” So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which
the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw
that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the
seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth
day. And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds livestock and
creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so. And God made the
beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything
that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let us
make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and
over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping
thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created
him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and
multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds
of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “Behold, I have
given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its
fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens
and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every
green plant for food.” And it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was
very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Genesis 1:16-31 ESV

In the Beginning God by the Word Created the Heavens and the Earth. In most cares we don’t
emphasize Parenthesis by the Word, Parenthesis, However this is very important that is why we call the
doctrine is creation. To Constituent a house steel, Concrete, Sand, Cement peddler and all Materials that
are needed for construction but that is not the case for Creator it is from nothing to Something.

What is Creator?

From nothing to something created and it is nothing to something and that is very important aspect.
From the side of Understanding God’s Wisdom to those who are on the side Opposite are the ones who
believe in the encounter Theory.

What is Evolution Theory?

It is not from nothing to something, but from something to something was made. This is the evolution
Theory. However, the Bible does not speak of that, God has created all things by the Word, that is Why
the word is very important. When we take a look if Genesis 1, we see, the announce of miracles as you
red in the Bible. You see that God is a God of Miracles as God of Creation. When God said, Let there be
light, God did not radiate the night from the sky, but by the word, Let there be light. There is light and
there was light and God saw the light and was good its is recorded.

It is recorded in Genesis 1:3-4. There is something, that is important that we must take a look at the
Bible Studies, that God created everything including However according to the Evolution theory, how
does it explain, without a way of evidence, with many missing parts through their own immune
imagination, it simply explain that it was made and that is Evolution Theory.

The Evolution Theory believes by a Singular cell was progressed ascetic cells to which came in form of
life. This is the explanation especially evolution theory believes, that mankind has been formed by apes,
starting from the Apes and began to walk upright, that changed unto a form if a Human being, so what is
it called? They have been made, walks upright by the apes, but even many Christianity does not Speak,
however even in Science are often different ideologies, including all the Scholars of the world will not
even care to listen to this, then the care is how you must think of this, if this has been made by Apes, We
would cast it as speech in it, Why? Or is it why or is it whether with an eye, I’m not quite sure how to
spell it, however they say that the species are the same then Let’s Think about human beings as the
same as Apes and they get married Ape is Possible to bear child, well there be the next Generation after
them, if so from the start Human Beings and Apes are Completely different, for example many Korean
may have a good point of view when it comes to Caucasian, but they fear African American when they
haven’t seen for the very first time for Caucasian they are taken back to see Asians, including Myself,
However strange enough. If a Caucasian and African American gets married on vise versa or a dark
complexion Asian gets married to an African American a child is born, so it doesn’t make sense to say
that Apes has walked for many Years and began to walk upright in a form to Human Beings,

What do you think of this?

You may surely tell this to Remnants, the school does not speak of this, the school educate evolution
theory they say that human beings were made by the Tailbone of the ape which may be scientific,
however it’s the same to say that has God really Created Man or not? Let me say this again, Evolution
Theory Believes that something has been created to something else. We call this paternalism. May you
Please Remember this. Even though we said God’s Word, because God has spoken of the word and not
of Materials or Ingredients. God is not a God that has thrown Materials to as if a bag of chips is thrown
to the father for them, to eat from the beginning, what did God Create a Myth of the earth that was
with out form void and darkness. God created by his word later if we have time, I will emphasize
without form and darkness because it speaks of Golden Fishery zone blind spot zone and disaster zone,
isn’t it, so as we take a lot at this Evolution theory emphasizes that something was formed by
something, which is materialism due to lack of time permits, I will speak of this matter more however,
what is time in that ideology if materialism has seized the World. When we Speak of the Churches such
as the dependent Churches, it means that they are not able to be maintained on their own, God has
created the Heaven and Earth with the World and we, who believe in God, who created by His word
cannot supply the needs, meaning that we are seized by the Material Wealth by the World. So let’s keep
this in mind, so let us take a look. What is this Bible, it is a Bible that records the Miracles, Because God
Has created it all by the World. We need the word of God to be in us to which we will be restored to
God’s image. You can see the evidence that follows after those that believer is God’s Power Creator,
God ( ) and God who Fulfills the word,

What is the First point?

1.The Power of the Word, The Power has Word-Genesis 1:1

- Power of Creation.

- God had created by the Word.

-Mankind can never be healed with any Mankind wealth in Earth.

They Can never be satisfied with any material wealth in this world later on, we will take a look at

Genesis 36:8-11. That is what is important in that material has been changed to be centered on material
wealth. Material worthless in Needed, But that is not everything, so what is the word in God. If we
recorded in John 1:1, Let’s find and read it.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1 ESV

That’s it, the was God, also this world became Flesh. In the New Testament it States that In this Holy
Flesh and came to Earth, who is that, it is Christ.
Who is Christ?

Christ is the true King, Priest who resolved all sins and prophet who became the way for us. He is the
offering of a Woman the Messiah, it is stated that He was to come In the Old Testament, What is the
word. Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, When we speak of Heading the Physical
today to be restored and to restore the Original state. It’s more emphasized. That is what we call
heading. That is why in America. Many people think of Christian as temporary pain believing pills such as
teleport Tylenol or Aspirin. It’s as if they take the medication and they are healed in that instant,
however it says, the word is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the
decision of soul and spirit of joints and of manners. And discerning the thoughts and the intention if the
heart. What is this, this word is sufficient in your Soul, Spirit joints and narrow night is. When the
thoughts and the intention of the heart, and the word was proclaimed in the life if the wilderness, which
is recorded in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, it so the imprinted root of nature, I’ve see the result Physical
illnesses, that take place, however it all occurs because of the problem of being separated from God, so
what do we call this, we call it imprint root and nature, you must be imprinted with God’s Word, God’s
word must become your nature and ideology. That is recorded in Moses, Meticus in Deuteronomy 6:4-9,
let us take a look Deuteronomy Chapter 6 verse 4-9,

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on
your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in
your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall
bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write
them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 ESV

Again, what does this mean to be in the word for 24 hours, can’t that so, this is very important aspect.
But we have lost hold of it. Within my church, I meet remnants every week at least once a week, we
write life scripture, transcribe reviews messages. This us important word that God has given to us. It’s
nothing else, but this as we continue to pray for the Remnants, we noticed many Remnants who are in
the age to get married to there Remnants, how can I explain the power of God’s Word to them, with
what we have that dwell in us , God who is with us even now, how is it possible to stay exactly to
Remnants, God has allowed me to come to realized.

In Ephesians 2:8, God said that He will give Thousands voted blessings, however we must relate to the
next generation. But why did a next generation reject it or fact into hardships. That’s when I was
reminded of David’s Poem and in sin did my mother conceive me and struck within me, also another
word struck my heart was Matthew 12:43-45, it finds the hours empty swept and put in order. The
moment I believe in Jesus, that must be passed on to my Child. But how come they have to start all over
again, Isn’t it that go in there any one of you that have once thought of that in those who are listening to
my lecture for the first time or those who are specialized in the Remnants Ministry, have you once
thought of it. How come is it much harder, different for the child to struggle, to receive God’s word,
have you ever thought of that as I meditated on that, I realized two scriptures and that is from David’s
Book Psalm and on my Sin my mother Concerns me in the fact that Isaac was in the line of the Covenant.
There will be more time will be taken away, if I explain this to you, so let me simply explain it for the
next generation are empty, who are the next generation, they are the empty houses. Once they live with
their parents, they are being compelled and filled with God’s Word. But the moment they leave their
parents they become blank. Why is it like that, this Grandfather was Pastor, Father, Senior Deaconess,
but how did a Figure like him Jinx, become like that to explain to you. Why are renowned Pastor’s
Children facing such hardships, they just simply need to have their Fathers faith, but why are they like
that, it’s just as if it is recorded in the Bible of Samuel through which we witnessed His son Hoffny and
Phineas, that they were not able to witness the living God through their Father also Samuel’s Children
were not used before God, why did this occur. Matthew 12:45-48, States the empty house, why is it
continuously emphasized in Deuteronomy Chapter 6:4-9, that you must teach Diligently to tour children.
In the wilderness, the spiritual DNA should have been passed on but how come it was not able to be in
for more than 100 years, then the remnant movement that is proclaimed through Revenue, it has
passed on to the First, Second, Third Generation to which there are cases that has been passed on to the
Fourth and Fifth Generation, after they have gotten moved and have their own child.

But, Why is the World Continuously needed that in it?

You need your God and your Gospel. This is it, This is why the, The Bible States Diligently, Teach the
Word to my Children, Blessed the on who reads, Blessed are those who hear and those who keep. That
is written, that is stated in Revelation 1:3. Diligently read God’s word diligently, Hear God’s word
Diligently Hear God’s word, diligently stay at God’s word. That is matter in Psalm 1, it speaks of the
Blessing are those who delight in the Law of the Lord, His Law, He Meditate day and night and what
does it mean to meditate, on the Word day and night, Psalm 1:1, States Blessed in a man who walk not
in the council of the Wicked one, Stand in the way of Sinners nor Sits in the seat of scoffers until, takes
place, what must you do, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, It is the word that has given to them as they passed by
wilderness, but you must come to see that this is it, even though you may go to the same church with
Others, Evangelizing to your Family in the most difficult work, isn’t that so in this Aspect.

Even the Parents are deceived, you may say a child of Faith ever since from the womb my child would
never do such thing, however what is the percentage of those from Christian Family that still remains in
the Church, it would be great if someone from RU can, write a research thesis regarding the Percentage
of Remnants who have gotten married inside Torakbang and Hotel Commission of Remnant Movement
and Covenant Commission and World Evangelism, it’s Gonna be great to see what was taken place
through them afterwards. The First and Second to the Fourth Generation, may not be the case, Why is
that it? Because the Family that is mentioned in the Book of Genesis has passed the Gospel to the
Fourth Generation.

It records how God has intervened, it records how God has used the Family in the Problem, that is not a
problem to be honest, our prosperity as called, the TCK revenue. They call those who are living in
America TCKS, But there are many Koreans who are as well they call them CCK or NCKS but it’s all the
same K, however it is the Empty case. I know you showed start and be written with AC, but yet it is Case
Revenue strongly emphasized Prenatal deportment and PU School, saying that this are very important, I
understand his heart. If the Gospel is not relayed at that time, also what else does revenue say in
prenatal and Pre School age, something else is within them to which you must take that out of them, it
must be changed with the imprint of the Gospel, They are the Empty houses. Right now my Church,
there are many Remnants for the sake of Blessing and Marriage and the Covenant that must be enjoyed
to save seven nations and 5000 people group waiting for them.

They are the Empty Houses, How Happy is a Mother that has had child in the womb for 10 Months, isn’t
that so, rather than deny upset that the child being punished. This parents should mourn for the child
like it written in Matthew 5:4, you must mourn these on my thoughts, for the value of the next
generation. How can the Word, God’s Word and the Living Word not disappear, but be delayed exactly
as it is. I see that I have shared most if it. What’s next is, I was able to carefully take a look at it, do to
read His Words. To be honest we do not need the Bible so often all of a sudden inside TATA Bank. There
are those who no longer need the Bible anymore. It is no longer worship, but it has turned into tutor
lecture. When you attend a conference they no longer read the Bible. Is dead when the darkness is
crumbled, many are Focused to see the work that takes just as when David placed the Liar, the harmful
spirit departed from him, but they don’t care to need God’s Word. They don’t take it seriously. Those
who read, those who hear and those who keep what us written.

What is it stated In Revelation 1:3?

They are blessed contained tremendous words of God this is emphasize in the past Walk of Faith, But
after restoring the Gospel in his records. Blessed are those sight, Blessed are those who see the New
heavens and New earth. That is recorded in the end of the Book of Revelation. What’s the start of it,
Blessed are those who read, those who hear. Does He keep what? Isn’t it different. It is different. How
can you relay God’s Word to you child. I’m not trying to say, all of you children are like empty Houses,
Business and can message, it was regrettable to all many Children or therefore during Messengers. 100
Years ago at WRC, the child next to me, was his or her cellphone. The was reading or reading in the way
it could have been the last for that child. However that WRC on 2019 was the last WRC Conference in
reunion, We can even meet this year for the WRC, it’s even hard to gather everyone for conference
now, that is why the remnants are the empty vessel or houses say that they are the empty vessels or He
uses in the same.

In Acts 9:15, it records chosen instrument of mine because Paul, who has been to something else he was
filled with Knowledge, But when the living Word Filled Paul, He was no longer the same, but change to
Paul from a Persecutor to an Evangelist, Isn’t that so. If you do not fill it with the Gospel, then what
does the Bible Record, that will happen. The Unclean Spirit has gone out of the Person it passes through
waterless places, seeking rest, then it says- I will return to my Home which I came from and when it
comes it finds the house empty swept and put it in order, then it goes and brings seven more evil spirits
than itself. I thought this was meant for the non-believers. But it was spoken to the Jews and the
Pharisee, at that time, when Jesus came. He Spoke to the Believer who were saved. He spoke about it
looking towards the Next Generation, do not weep for me, for yourself and your children do you think it
was because of distraction or disaster, what is the reason, why it was because of the empty houses of
the children, isn’t that so?

What is in Matthew chapter 16 verse 13-20. These are the wrong things to incorrect things, the different
things. The things that will lead to Destruction and failure. The World is filled with different things. That
is why, why are you filled with that, in one with no fear, Peter testifies that you are Christ, the Son of the
Living God, that is it, that is why Remnants are the recipient for love, but to be honest they should be
the recipients. For Evangelism and Missions as well and it will be spoken more later as it is written in the
Book of Romans. The Parents should be saved as fellow worker, patron and host. What is the Conclusion
of the Empty house. First of all Continuation cannot take place. They have so much experience, but can
never continue it also if they start and end do quickly they have so much experience, but never
continue it, also if they cannot continue, what haven’t they seen, they have not seen, they have not seen
what is worth sticking their lives. What else, everything takes place , but they cannot concentrate on
the Word. That is Why, they are considered the empty houses also what is this, it is External Messenger
ever through everything disappears the word of God stands forever. It is Isaiah 18. It states not an Lota,
not Dot will pass from the Law until and accomplished, what else in this God will save those who read
and hear His word. This is the Word that saves. It is the Word that gives lives it is. It is given Life, 2
Timothy 3:14-17, Let us Read it:

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you
learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to
make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God
may be complete, equipped for every good work. Amen.

2 Timothy 3:14-17 ESV

It is not done by Memorizing, but you must be in this answer. If you memorize it you’ll be like an empty
house. I win seen my password ministry for a very long time. I became a Pastor one month after I
married and Pastor Mivutry we are very close. I see that many people fear and have different tune after
recovering salvation, enjoying and living a life I the Salvation that has given to them. Isn’t that so, it’s
such a pitiful statement if you look at 2 Timothy it says that ever since in your youth you are it is not by
simply knowing the Bible. What does it say in 2 Timothy 1, Timothy as I remember your tears right, it is
the word that gives Life.

Secondly- Where is the Power of the Creator?

It is upon all Universe, earth and Animals and Mankind after the remnants starts attending Pre-school.
They come and ask me where does it say that the dinosaurs exists in the Bible. In the Bible, this is the
Knowledge of the World that is upon the Remnants already to which they say such things, it says to
understand the Principle of Creation.

3. So what is the Principle of Creation God Created, from nothing to something. The Birds in The sky and
the fish in the water, Trees on the Ground man created to be with God’s sight.

4. What are the traits of human beings among the creator, Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 created in God’s
image, this is Simple, only man can give worship to God, Listen to God’s Word. Keep what it is written
and read God’s Word. No Matter how Intellectual an Ape is it cannot give worship, isn’t that so and next
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 20, it states defined blessings fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue from the story God
has given the covenant of World Evangelism.

5. The Power of Creation in Hebrews is BHARA- authority and power of the mankind, has been created
with infinite power only when they are with God however mankind that is separated from God will go
against God with limited power and authority. That is Genesis chapter 11, What is the greatest reason ,
why they lost hold up this blessing is in Genesis chapter 2 verse 17.
What is it, let’s find and read it Genesis 2:17:

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you
shall surely die.”

Genesis 2:17 ESV

Many People Including scholars understand the Scriptures, but God wants to emphasize, to not
spiritually die, but to be with rather than to eat and right. Sure time has pass, there are many more to
share, but I will do so next and at that time I would like to explain it to you, God’s Word, The Word of
Jehovah came upon Moses, Right then the word of the Lord came upon Jeremiah a second time, Genesis
2:7 emphasized to not eat of it, so that they will die, rather they eat of it surely die, however they
change it, they were deceived by Satan, to which the covenant was taken away.

Let me say it again, if you eat of it, the spiritual eyes will be dimmed and the physical eyes will be
opened, this is what it means. But do you think Adam and Eve truly understood, They ate of it which
recorded in Genesis 3:4-5, not only that locates the angel, the Praise food goes against God to which
dwell inside the serpent. If you eat of it, you won’t die that is what Satan says, emphasizes that you
won’t die and adds a bonus as a lie, their eyes opened to which they knew what was good and evil Just
like God, Satan Lied that they would be just like God, we’ll go over it in the Second Lecture, what does it
mean? That they will be like God, it is I plus D O right? Please zoom on, Zoom on to this. I think that is
good enough, it is. I plus DO. This is the Fundamental of Evolution Theory and all I Ideologies, So it
becomes an idea. It is Your thoughts, People Become the Mark of their own Thought, what does it
mean, That they are the master of their Own Thoughts, that means they are master of their own lives,
They in what, well organized in the Second Lecture and Point Seven what is the way of Restoration. It is
to meet God. Right, It is Genesis Chapter 3 verse 15, God has opened the way to me, God. Later on we
will organize this aspect as well, Thank you very much let us Pray. Father Living God we Thank you, We
Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God we Thank you. Grant us the double portion of
the Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ who is living ever now, AMEN.

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