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Opening Remarks

With High Honors

Lawrence Vincent Jan D. Cruzat
Grade 12, Graduating Class Batch 2018
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Good afternoon everyone, especially to our School President/Directress

Madam Rebecca Ventinilla Salazar, maam, to the members of Board of
Trustees, our competent and dedicated School Coordinator Sir Jomar P.
Galapate, sir, to our Head of Discipline Mr. Carlo P. Mamasig, and to our
notable teachers, parents and guardians, guests, ladies and gentleman again
have a pleasant afternoon.

Friends, Batch mates, co-Graceans, People of this Institution. Today, we

are all gathered here to have the most indelible part of our lives so far. Today,
all of us are set to reap the fruits of our hard works. Today, our feet are about
to stepping to the entrance of another stage of ourselves. Today, we are all
about to turn the page of the book of our lives to its next chapter.

Batch 2018, lend me your ears.

It is true that in this day, we sever our ties with this institution. We
would end this day by walking away from the lives of our peers and friends.
Just imagine, this would be the last time all of these faces you see will be
together in one place, not in many years. All the friendships, all the
camaraderie, all the ‘barkadahan´, all of the links and bonds we built together
for years will now be taken away from using just a blink of an eye. We would
now miss all the things we do in High school, the good and the bad. We would
now long for our so-called ‘Second Parents´, our teachers. No more bundles of
reminders from our advisers. No more ‘chickahan´ with our old classmates. No
more taking of recess with the friends we used to be with. No more with all of
these. No more.

Although through all of these, goodbyes are good in a sense. Don't be

dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And
meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.

Prepared by:
Lawrence Vincent Jan D. Cruzat
Grade 12 Student

Submitted by:
Sharlyn B. Balgoa
Class Adviser

Checked by:
Jomar P. Galapate
School Coordinator

Approved by:
Rebecca V. Salazar
School Director

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