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___Urdaneta ___Tayug ___Pozorrubio ___Rosales ___Malasiqui

5 Name:_____________________________________Date:_______________Score:________

First Monthly Assessment

Geography Nursery 2

10 I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. How many continents do we have?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7S
2.What planet do we live?
A. Earth B. Mars C. Saturn
15 3. What is the color of the element water?
A. blue B. brown C. white
4. What is the color of the element air?
A. blue B. brown C. white
5. What do astronauts see when they are in outer space and look down on earth?
20 A. They see a square-shaped planet.
B. They see a sphere like huge blue and white marble.
C. They see a circle that looks like a small brown and white marble.
6.What is the shape of the Earth?
A. rectangle B. sphere C. square
25 7. What is the white areas in the globe?
A. grass B. ice C. soil
8. What is the model of the Earth?
A. ball B. book C. globe
9. What is the color of element land?
30 A. blue B. brown C. white
10. What continent do we belong?
A. Asia B. Australia C. Europe
11. What is the largest continent of the Earth?
A. Asia B. Australia C. Europe
35 12. What is the color of continent Asia?
A. Blue B. green C. yellow
13. What are the three elements of the earth?
A. air, land and water C. map, air and water
B. globe, land and water
40 14. It is composed of land, water and air.
A. Earth B. Mars C. Saturn
15. What is the light breeze that blows around us?
A. air B. land C. water

45 II. Underline the correct answer inside the parenthesis.

16. The land on Earth is broken up into ( 7, 8 ) continents.
17. The ( land, water ) is the ground on which we walk.
18. The Earth is mainly covered by ( water, land ).
19. The (Earth, Venus ) we live on is made of land, water and air.
50 20. Water has a ( greater, lesser ) part on the earth than the land.
21. (Asia, Australia ) is the largest continent.
22. We can ( feel, see ) air.
23. (Globe, Jar ) can help us see how the earth looks like.
24. (Blue, Black ) is the color of the ocean on the map.
55 25. Oceans are ( deep, swallow ).
26. A ( map, cap ) shows land and water.
27. Asia is the ( first, second ) largest continent.
28. (Africa, Asia ) is color green on the map.
29. Earth is like a ( huge, tiny ) marble in the outer space.
60 30. North America and South America are connected by ( strip, bridge )
31. The shape of planet Earth is ( sphere, square ).
32. We (can, can’t ) fit the globe into our pocket.
33. (Hemi, Demi ) means half of the sphere.
34. The flat model of our earth is ( map, nap ).     
65 35. A ( globe, map ) is big to carry around.
36. We cannot see all of the Earth because it is so ( big, small).
37. The land on Earth is broken up into 7 ( big, small ) pieces.
III. Trace the name of the elements that make up the earth then color it
70 38. 39. 40.


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