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1. Define Type conversion? Explain with an example code.

2. Explain History of Python and the structure of python program. V.IMP
3. Explain Applications of Python programming and list of python blocks.
4. Explain Data Types used in python with an example program. V. V.IMP
5. Difference between standard input & output statements used in python programming. V.


1. Explain all types of operators used in python with an example program. V. V.IMP
2. Define recursion with an example program V.IMP
3. Define lambda function with a simple code.
4. Write a python program for factorial of a given number using recursion and non-
recursion. V. V.IMP
5. Write a python program to find the sum of ‘n’ natural numbers using recursion.
6. Write a python program to print the Fibonacci series values for a given range using
recursion and non-recursion. V. V.IMP
7. Write a python program to print sum of ‘n’ even numbers using while loop and for loop.
8. Write a python program to print the prime numbers for a given ‘n’ value.
9. Difference between pass, break and continue with an example program.


1. Define List. Explain the operations (like concatenation, multiplication, and slicing,
indexing, length, etc…) performed on List. V. V.IMP.
2. Define Tuple. Explain the operations (like concatenation, multiplication, and slicing,
indexing, length, etc…) performed on Tuple. V. V.IMP.
3. Define String. Explain the operations (like concatenation, multiplication, and slicing,
indexing, length, etc…) performed on String. V. V.IMP.
4. Define Dictionary. Explain the operations (like keys, values, update, pop, get, items,
etc…) performed on Dictionary. V. V.IMP.
5. Define Set. Explain the operations (like add, remove, update, pop etc…) performed on

1. Explain about OOPs features/concepts in detail?

2. Explain about abstract classes with an example program? V. V.IMP.
3. What is inheritance? Explain types of inheritance with an example program (learn (muilti-
level inheritance program, multiple inheritance program)? V. V.IMP.
4. What is polymorphism? Explain types of polymorphism with an example program (learn
only operator overloading program, method/function overloading program)? V. V.IMP.
5. Define Exception. Write small code to illustrate try, else, finally and except statements in
Python. V. V.IMP.
6. List few common Exception types and explain when they occur.


1. Define file and list types of files (learn text file & binary file) with modes (learn r, w, a,
r+, w+, a+, rb, wb, ab, rb+, wb, ab+)? Explain about creating, reading and writing files
using modes with an example program? V.V.IMP.
2. What are packages? How to import a package in python with example.
3. Define PIP. How to install libraries using PIP with example.(learn simple numpy
program & pandas program) V.V.IMP.
4. Write a python program to count the no. of words, no. of lines, no. of characters in a file.

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