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Priestly Hands, Priesily Voice ee REINSane & Elmer Magat o9 Ds D Dirt Hands raised up_—-in pray't Hands that bless__and pardon Hands that touch —to heal the sick reached Fh? compe Eng Ass AT Ba a os Use these hands O lord out to all__. in need. to gather all__ Your child - ren 10 be- Da Gm? DA Gmab DIA Eat Asus hands a-noint-ed for your works come one bo-dy, and be - come one peo-ple through these Des D prt ao D acct A Voi-ces to___ pro-claim words of your sal-va-tion voice to com - for, to con-sole— A Fim? G GmBb Gav Ass av aa ——— light to eve - ny soul Use these voice © Lord to bring the pow - er of Your word Voice 19 c Ds Gaw DA imi Ds plead for mer) to give hope to the lowly with this voice we sing a hymn of praise Priestdy hands x prt 6 a D prt Fries-ly voice for Your peo-ple to re-joice__Priest-ly hands Priest-ly voice these our Fi og BM Contin) the ssorld__ D act oA Deed. pit os With these hands_and voice We acclaim your glo-ry Through these hands and voice you gave_the lox souls we can = © these hands and voice « cmb Da oma ba Ga con-see-rate the bread and wine to be- come Your bo-dy and Your blood we of-fer to your | Church that all may live in You Priest-Iy Hands De .al Coda gy My —— Deal Cota gy Priest = iy hands Priestly voice for Your peo-ple to re-joiee __Priest-ly. bands — hands Priestly voie for Your — poorple 0 re-joice Priestly hands Priestly voice for You. Lord y these our alt ting 1 the — Priest -ly voice, these our offing to the word. for You Lord God's peo-ple now re-joice___ Priesi-ly hands Let God's re-joice__ Prest-ly hands Pressly hind Piest-ly_ voice. voice God has. of -ferred to the world. Lats 1e- joie! = Piest-ly voice God tas of ferred to the world LETT = Joie! joice! jig! © Amold Zamora, December 8.200 Priestly Hands and Vorces Concert "Theme Seong Aichulivcese of San Fraese Fack-up tor Male Ovtter AI Riss Reserva

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