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RISALAH: THE HOLY BOOKS The Qur’an ‘The Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet bit by bit over a period of 23 years, starting in 611 CE, when Muhammad was 40. Muslims believe that it is the Word of Allah, exactly as the Prophet received it, and in this sense it is different from any other of the world’s holy books. It contains nothing but the direct revelations from Allah, through the angel Jibril, not one word of it being the creation of the Prophet. He was nothing more than the transmitter. (The Prophet's own teaching and sayings run into many thousands and are know as hadith.) As each revelation was given, the verses were learned by heart and jotted down on whatever materials they had ~ dried palm leaves, pieces of broken pottery, bone, leather and white stones. ‘The first Caliph, Abu Bakr, requested the Prophet's companion, Zayd ibn Thabit, to make a complete written version in one Book. He did notalter the messages in any way. This was given to the Prophet's widow Hafsah. ‘The Book is considered a Qur'an only if itis in its original Arabic language; otherwise it isa ‘translation’ with less authority. The Qur'an is seen as the Word of Allah and having absolute authority. It means ‘recitation’ - referring to Muhammad being taught to recite it (he was illiterate). The first revelation was at Mount Hira. Jibril revealed that Muhammad was the chosen Prophet and began the message. Revelations occurred throughout his life, and were recorded on whatever was available by family and friends, then collated as a book after his death. Umm al-Kitab (mother of the book) is an enigmatic phrase used in the Qur'an about Allah's perfect book. The Qur’an gives guidance on living as Allah requires, and hence the way to Paradise. It is also a warning of what happens if Allah's guidance is not followed. The Hadith ‘The life and example of the Prophet is known as the Sunnah (custom). The way of Islam and the general title for Islamic law is called the Shariah. The Sunnah is known from a study of the Hadith (both singular and collective plural, or plural Ahadith), the sayings and teachings of the Prophet, and stories about him recorded by his friends and handed down to later generations. Although the Hadith are not part of the Qur’anic revelation, nevertheless they are regarded as vitally important for the full understanding of Islam. Once his wife Aishah was asked about the Prophet's customs and way of life. She replied: “His way of life IS the Qur’an.” Other Holy Books Allah holds a perfect book (Umm al-Kitab: Mother of the Book) from which He has revealed guidance on five occasions. The Qur'an is the final, and is kept in its original language of Arabic and is considered the dictated Word of Allah. Of the other holy books, four are mentioned in the Qur'an: The Tawrat (Torah) revealed to Musa (Moses) ‘The Zabur (Psalms) of Dawud (David) The Injil (Gospel) revealed to Isa (Jesus) ‘The Subuf, scrolls dictated to Ibrahim (Abraham) The last book is completely lost, and Muslims believe that the others are not to be identified with the contents of today’s Bible and Muslims believe they are compilations \d editions written many years after the times of the prophets concerned. Relevant Teachings about the Qur’an Qur'an 17:106 “And it is. a Qur’an which we have divided in portions so you may read it tothe people a litle ata time, and we have revealed it gradually.” Explanation: “This (Qur'an) isa clear statement for men, anda guidance and an Qur'an 3:138 instruction to those who guard against evil” Explanation: van 96: “Recte in the name of your Lord who created you from a clot of blood. Qur’an 96:1-4 ‘And taught man by the pen what he did not know.” Explanation The words of the Qur’an were revealed to Muhammad, even though he could not read. The Qur’an is important to Muslims because... + Itprovides guidance on righteous living. + Following that guidance means a person will go to Paradise. ‘+ Itis the Word of Allah, absolute and unchanging, applicable to all times and people. ‘+ Itis the basis for Islamic (Shari’ah) law. How the Qur’an influences Muslims today... ‘+ The Qur’anis the Word of Allah, absolute and unchanging, fit for any time or people, so it must always be respected. As it is the Word of Allah, it must be followed absolutely. As it is guidance, Muslims use it to tell them how to behave in daily life, and they must observe the forms of worship (including the 5 pillars). ‘+ Muslim law (Shari’ah) is based on it, so in Muslim countries the Qur'an is an influence on laws and justice systems. Muslims must follow these. 10, The Qur’an: Fact Sheet * The language of the Qur'an is Arabic * Names of the scripture: al-Qur’an (recitation), al-Kitab (the book), al-furgan (the criterion, al-Dhikr (the Remembrance), al-mushaf (the name of the written Qur’an) and al-Tanzil (the Sending down). * The Qur'an consists of 114 chapters (suras), each sura consists of verses (aya). The shortest sura has three ayas and the longest has 287. + The number of ayas is around 6000. * Each sura except the ninth begins with the besmala (In the name of God , the Merciful, the Compassionate) * The first sura is called al-fatiha (the Opening) and comprises seven ayas and must be recited in Arabic in every prayer. * There are twenty nine suras which have one of more letters of the alphabet prefixed to them. These letters are called disjoined letters. * The Qur'an is not arranged chronologically but Muslims generally believe that the current order is based on the Prophet's instructions. * Chronologically, the suras are divided into two: Meccan suras (revealed in Mecca) and Medinan suras (revealed after the Prophet's emigration to Medina). ‘+ The first revelation received by Muhammad was in 610 CE and continued until his demise in 632 CE. According to Muslim tradition the first three verses of the Qur’an are: “Read! In the name of your Lord who created: He created man from a clinging form” Q (96:1-3), ‘+ Legal topics in the Qur'an: prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, marriage, divorce, inheritance charity law, gender relations, custody, prohibitions (such as gambling, alcoholic drinks ‘and usury), dietary law, punishment (for homicide, theft, slander, adultery), international relations (peace and war), and commercial transactions. Etiquette for handling the Holy Qur’an Before reading, Muslims say, “I seek refuge in ALLAH from Satan the rejected”. Before reading, Muslims say, “In the Name of ALLAH the Most Gracious, Most Merciful” Before reading, Muslims should be physically clean, also shower or bathe after marital relations (wudu). Before reading, Muslims ask ALLAH to guide them to the truth, While the Qur'an is being recited aloud, Muslims should not speak, eat or drink, smoke, or ‘make any distracting noise. Keep the Qur'an out of the toilet/bathroom, off the floor and away from unclean places. Muslims often keep the Qur’an on a high shelf so that nothing can be placed higher. ‘The Qur'an is kept away from small children because it is not a toy. Muslims adopt a special position when reading, often on the floor, so that the body is, disciplined and alert. Many Muslims lear to read the Qur'an, and the correct pronunciation, in a mosque school (madrassah).

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