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Name: Kirk Vega Date: 01/10/2020

Course/ Year: AMGT-1st year -ALPHA

Tierra- Earth

Adorada- adored

Hija – She

del – of the

sol de – sun of

Oriente- East

Su- its

fuego – fire

ardiente – burning

en – on

ti- the

latiendo- beating

está- is

Patria- Homeland

de- from

amores- loves

Del- of the

 heroismo cuna- cradle heroism

Los- The

Invasores- invaders

No te - Do not

hallarán - they will find

jamás- never

Ent u - in you

Azul- blue
Cielo- heaven

En Tus – In your

Auras- will have

En Tus- In your

montes – mountain

y en- and in

tu mar - your sea

Esplende – splendid

y- and

late el poema- the poem beats

De tu – From your

amada – loved

Libertad- Liberty

Tu pabellón- Your pavilion

que en- what in

las- the

lides- you fight

la victoria- the victory

iluminó – lit up

No- No

verá – you will see

nunca – never

apagados- off

Sus- Their

estrellas – stars

y su sol- and its sun

Tierra- Land

de dichas- of said

del sol – of the sun

y amores- and loves

En tu- In you

regazo – lap

dulce – sweet

es vivir- is to live

Es una- Is a

gloria- glory

para tus hijos- for your children

Cuando – When

te ofenden- they offend you

por- by

ti morir- you die

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