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Câu hỏi 

Reading 1
A Tribe Is Discovered (pages 186-188)  
Skimming for main ideas of paragraphs 
Task 1: Read the following statements and decide if they are true (T), false (F) or I
(impossible to know from the text).
Trả lời 1. The Brazilian government photographed the Acre tribe to confirm the
existence of the tribe.
Trả lời 2. From the image on the Internet, researchers realize that only adults in
the tribe are healthy. 
Trả lời 3. There is a moral dilemma about whether to make contact or to leave
the tribe alone.
Trả lời 4. According to experts’ predictions, there are about 100 groups in the
Amazon rainforests and in other forests of Western Europe. 
Trả lời 5. About 50% of the tribe members died after they were contacted by
illegal loggers.
Trả lời 6. About 50% have suffered from dangerous diseases such as fatal
dengue fever and malaria.
Trả lời 7. Hill recommends leaving the tribe alone and not making further
Trả lời 8. Illegal loggers taught the tribe how to make money from cutting
valuable trees in the forests.
Trả lời 9. Closing illegal sawmills in Acre state and deterring curious tourists are
two major measures to protects the tribes. 
Trả lời 10. Dr. Bourque thinks the tribe should be contacted by appropriate people
with the right purposes.        
Câu hỏi 2
Reading for details
Task 2: Choose the best answer/completion.
1. Why were the tribe men prepared to fight when they saw the plane?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. They thought they were being attached. 
b. They were tired of being disturbed.
c. They are naturally hostile.
Câu hỏi 3
2. What can be inferred about the tribe from the photographs on the Internet?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. They are satisfied with their existence. 
b. They want materials possessions.
c. They suffer from many diseases.
Câu hỏi 4
3. Tourists and loggers are two examples of people who ______.
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. are a threat to the tribe 
b. can help the tribe
c. should contact the tribe
Câu hỏi 5
4. Who did first have contact with the Murunahua group in the Peruvian jungle? 
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. Illegal loggers 
b. Foreign tourists
c. Survival organizers
Câu hỏi 6
5. What do the remaining uncontacted tribes have in common?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. They live in forests.
b. They live on islands.
c. They live in the Amazon. 
Câu hỏi 7
6. The Murunahua people’s troubles began because they _______.
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. lived near valuable trees 
b. left the rainforest
c. made the loggers angry
Câu hỏi 8
7. While some Murunahua live in conventional villages, other
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. moved further into the forest 
b. attached the loggers
c. wear Western clothing and use money
Câu hỏi 9
8. Why is David Hill delighted that the Acre tribe has been in the news?
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. It may influence the actions of the government. 
b. Because it will make it easier for people to find the tribe. 
c. It means they will be take care of
Câu hỏi 10
9. Why are some tourists ready to pay a big sum of money to be led to
highlands of Western Papua?      
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. They are interested in their first contact experiences. 
b. They want to keep in touch with members of the tribes.
c. They hope to introduce Western styles to the tribes.
Câu hỏi 11
10.  It can be inferred that Dr. Nicole Bourque supports contacting the tribe if
Chọn một câu trả lời đúng:
a. the right medical support is given to them 
b. tourists’ health is strictly examined 
c. the motives for the future should be known
Câu hỏi 12
Understanding the purpose of the quoted speech
Task 3: Read these quotations from Reading 1. Write F (fact) and O (Opinion).
Trả lời 1. “We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to
show they exist. This is very important because there are some who doubt their
Trả lời 2. “So the best thing you can hope for its ‘managed contact,’ where you
send an appropriate person in to prepare the tribe for what might happen.”
Trả lời 3. “When the loggers made contact with us, we came out of the rainforest.
That was when the disease began. Half of us died.”
Trả lời 4. “What has happened is they have moved even deeper into the forest.”
Trả lời 5. “I have no doubt that the aim of the flight was right.”
Trả lời 6. “It (the overflight) was designed to discover where the uncontacted
tribes are living how many of them there are, and how they are living.”
Trả lời 7. “You get the curiosity factor, and you want your picture taken with a
tribesman, so you can tell your friends at home or post it on your blog.”
Trả lời 8. “It would be better if first contact came from the appropriate people
with the right motives and the right medical support, who could prepare them for
the future and what might happen.”

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