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Department of Economics NUML, Islamabad

Introduction to Business


Course: Introduction to Business

Course Code: ECMG-161
Credit Hours: 3
Program: BS Eco / Eco & Fin (2nd Semester)
Instructor: XYZ

Course Description

An introductory level course that gives learners / students an overview of the basic principles
and practices of contemporary business.

Course Objectives

Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the business

concepts as a foundation for studying other business subjects.

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO 1: Describe the meaning and evolution of business
CLO 2: Analyze small businesses and new ventures
CLO 3: Describe the role & importance of MNCs and identifying different influences on
business activity in the global environment
CLO 4: Understand the fundamentals of management and effective communication
CLO 5: Analyze different elements of organizational structure
CLO 6: Familiarize with the theories of motivation
CLO 7: Explain the significance of E-Commerce in the present day

Discuss different functional units of a business namely:

CLO 8: Human Resource Management
CLO 9: Marketing and Consumer Behavior
CLO 10: Accounting and Finance
CLO 11: Operations Management
CLO 12: Students demonstrating their understanding and skills regarding the subject


 Lectures
 Discussion
 In Class Activities
 Written Assignments
Department of Economics NUML, Islamabad

Recommended Text

1. Introduction to Business by Gareth R. Jones McGraw Hill

Supplementary Texts

2. Understanding Business by Nickels & McHugh © 2006 ISBN: 0072538767,

Publisher: The McGraw-Hill
3. Karren Collins, An Introduction to Business


This is a broad outline of the topics that I hope to cover in the course. Note that this is
preliminary, as how fast we can cover these topics depends to some extent on you.

Topics Topic Aligned

Week with CLO
Introduction (What is Business)
 Meaning of business
Week 1  Business as commerce CLO 1
 Business as occupation
 Business as an organization
The Evolution of Business
 Feudalism
 Money, capital and commerce
Week 2 CLO 1
 The growth of enterprise
 The industrial revolution
 Forms of business organization
Entrepreneurs, Small Business, New Ventures and Franchises
 The role of entrepreneurs
Week 3  The role of management CLO 2
 The role of employee
 Small businesses
Multinationals and Global Environment
 The multinational company
Week 4  Specific forces in the global environment CLO 3
 General forces in the global environment
 Challenges in the global environment
Leadership, Influence, and Communication in Business
 Business leadership
 Types of leaders
 Characteristics of effective leader
Week 5  Business communication CLO 4
 Process of communication
 Barriers in communication

Week 6 Motivating and Managing People and Groups in Business

Department of Economics NUML, Islamabad

 Motivation theories CLO 6
 Financial rewards
 Non-financial rewards
Organizational Structure
 Functional structure
 Divisional structure CLO 5
Week 7
 Coordinating functions and divisions
 Organizational culture

Information technology and E-Commerce

 Information technology CLO 7
Week 8
 E-Commerce modes
 Significance of E-Commerce
Marketing and product development
 What is marketing?
 Marketing research
 Marketing Mix
Week 9 &
Sales, Distribution, and Customer Relationship Management
 Types of distribution channels
 Approaches to sales
 Customer relationship management

Human Resource Management

 Recruitment and selection
 Training
 Performance appraisal and feedback CLO 8
 Pay and benefits
 Labor’s relations
Week 11
& 12 Operations and Materials Management
 Production process
 Productivity CLO 11
 Types of operating systems
 Technology in production

 Need and sources of finance
 Cash flow forecast
Week 13  Income statement
CLO 10
& 14  Balance sheet
 Profitability ratios
 Liquidity ratios
Department of Economics NUML, Islamabad

Week 15  Project presentations CLO 12

& 16  Revision

Course Evaluation / Assessment:

In-class Participation, assignments and quizzes (10%): Attendance is mandatory but

participation also requires that the student in class will be actively engaged into class
discussion and other activities. Quizzes and assignments will also be important part for
evaluating the level of understanding of the students regarding the subject.
Project (10%): Project will be considered as an important part of the course. This will give
students the practical exposure of the subject. Presentation of the project will be taken by the
completion of the project as per the given deadline.
Mid-Term Exam (30%):  Midterm exams worth of 30% will be applied during the course.
Short questions, essay questions based upon a case or scenario will be used to better evaluate
the efforts of the student.
Final Exam (50%): There will be a cumulative final exam worth 50% of the final grade.
General Policies:

 Regular attendance is expected. If there is an urgent reason to be absent, please email

the instructor in advance. A student may not enter an examination without having
justified all of his/her absences.

 Assignments will be collected at the beginning of the class session.

 Any violation of academic honesty principles, e.g. plagiarism, will result in an

automatic F on the course.

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