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Responsibility is important in treatment.

To be responsible is to be accountable
for ones own actions.
Obligation:an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally
bound; a duty or commitment.
The basic reason for my Bust back was because I was responsible to meet a standard
set of rules implimented to keep me safe in a situation where accountability is
questionable. I aslo failed to meet my Disco obligations. My primary obligation the
week of my travel was to be a gift of love.
The Importance of the gift of love is to give back and be supportive of the
community and help guide the lower house members in a posotive direction while
being held accountable. My commitment to be the gift of love was not only an
opportunity to excell as a leader in the community but also an obligation. I chose
to volunteer for the date and time.
I was not very responsible with the position and failed to pass it on while I
was taking care of other urgent family matters. I let my fear for my family cloud
my judgment enough that I forgot a to check all the boxes.
While I was taking care of my business in CA I saw things that really took me into
a place where all I could do was focus on the emediate tasks of retrieving my
family from this dangerous place. I became close channeled to the environment to
protect my self. That also made it harder to see all the steps required for me to
be successfull in treatment.There were people sleeping in tents in numbers of a
large degree. There was serious problems there with violence and drugs wide open to
everyone. There was extreem poverty, mental health issues evedent everywhere you
look. People were always looking for an opportunity to take whatever they could
from anyone weeker then them.
The importance of tusing the proccess and following Odysseys strict rules to
have proper planning could have allowed me to be better prepared. Safety plans
should be read in level group or with therapist to make corrections or plan for
things one may not have thought of.

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