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Evidencia 5: Video “Presenting orally a business process improvement plan”

Presentado por:
Daniela Alejandra Bustos Méndez

Presentado a:
Instructor.Edgar Oliveros

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje- Sena

Programa de Negociación Internacional
Ficha 2104846
Quality management improvement plan for the company Colacteos

The purpose of this project is to strengthen both internal and external entities that are presented

in the company, even if they contain a plan organizational structure, the idea is to follow this

model of optimization of the processes and ensuring that all the activities stipulated are fulfilled

through corrective and preventive actions, monitoring of the areas, audits and performance the

lessons learned.

General objective

Establish an improvement plan to the Quality Management System of the Colacteos company

located in the city of Pasto –Nariño.

Specific objectives

 Analyze the characterization of the Quality Management process, in order to

detect weaknesses or opportunities for improvement.

 Propose actions to correct or eliminate detected weaknesses.

 Establish indicators that allow verifying the fulfillment of the objectives.

 Propose the improvement plan to the Quality Management System.

The quality management process for the Colacteos company must be based on several important

aspects, where the objective must first be identified, then the actions that allow identifying risks

and opportunities must be identified.

After setting the objectives and implementing the actions, an action plan is created to make

adjustments in the company.

Therefore, the following must be taken into account:

To plan:
 Identify products

 Identify clients

 Identify customer requirements

 Transfer the client's requirements to specifications

 Identify the key steps of the process

 Identify and select measurement parameters

 Determine the capacity of the process


 Identify opportunities for improvement

 Development of the pilot plan

 Implement the improvements


 Evaluate the effectiveness


 Institutionalize the improvement, take actions to continuously improve the

 process performance.

When we have determined all the aspects that make the quality is low, an improvement

procedure is carried out for the entire organization, for this, it begins by determining the

resources, processes, people involved and leadership style. It is also proposed to carry out a

series of steps to seek the improvement of the company Colacteos dedicated to the creation and

distribution of dairy products:

• Analyze globally what is the current situation of the organization

• Evaluate each of the areas

• Communicate failures and errors to the organization

• Commitment by employees and management

• Analyze resources

• Implement control strategies.

Project phase

The inception phase is crucial in the project life cycle, as it is the moment define the scope and

proceed to the selection of the team. Only with one scope clearly defined and a specialized team,

thus guaranteeing that the project can be successful.


This is the most difficult phase for a project manager, since a significant effort will have to be

made to calculate the needs of staff, resources and equipment that will have to be foreseen to

achieve the achievement of time and within the expected parameters. Likewise, it is also

necessary plan procurement communications, contracts, and activities.


Based on planning, the scheduled activities will have to be completed, with their tasks, and

proceed to the delivery of intermediate products. It is important ensure good communication in

this phase to ensure greater control on progress and deadlines. Likewise, it is essential to monitor

the evolution of the consumption of resources, budget and time, for what is usually It is

necessary to rely on a project management tool. In this stage must be managed: risk, change,

events, expenses, resources, time and updates and modifications.

Monitoring and control

This phase includes the processes necessary to carry out the follow-up, review and project

progress monitoring. It is performed as the means of detecting deviations to be able to identify

the areas where that a change in planning may be required. The follow-up stage and

control is naturally associated with that of execution, of which it cannot be carried out separately,

although due to its importance and critical value.


This phase includes all processes aimed at formally completing the project and contractual

obligations. Once this is finished study, it is formally established that the project has concluded.

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