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Nama : Anggresti Ninda Praditha

NIM : 1910505064

Kelompok : A3 / EFAW


(Kalimat yang benar)

1. She doesn't like swimming.

2. Who gets up early in the morning?

3. I don't have a new car.

4. What does he like?

5. They are not rich (sudah benar)

6. Do you have a new house?

7. They like their job, don't they?

8. She usually wakes up at 7 o'clock

9. Whose house is this?

10. Where does he live?

11. What language do you know?

12. He and his brother are students.

13. I have got a good job, have I?

14. Who often play the piano?

15. She does not like frogs.

16. Who does like horses?

17. Where are you from?

18. I never don't drink coffee in the evening.

19. When do you get up?



1. They eat dinner at six o'clock yesterday.

They ate

2. Did Maria drove to work this morning?

3. I not finished my homework last night.

4. Did you busy last Monday?

5. Was she buy a new car yesterday?

6. I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.

7. Was you late for the meeting?

8. Who did you talked to?

9. Where was you stay in Washington?

10. I was read that book last year.

11. John flied to Argentina last week.

12. He weren't at home last night.

13. I not see the movie last weekend ?

14. What do you did last night?

15. Did they has a good time at the party?

16. Did you in class yesterday?


1) Ate

2) Drive

3) did not

4) were you busy

5) did she

6) I wanted to go

7) were you

8) talk

9) where did

10) I read that book last year (read bentuk keduanya sama read juga)

11) flew (bukan flied)

12) he wasn't

13) ? did i not see the movue last weekend?

14) what did you do last night?

15) did they have

16) were you

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