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Activity No.

1 CONSUBE BSMM01 – 10:10-12:00/13:00-2:10

1. What do you expect from the subject CONSUMER BEHAVIOR?

I expect to learn things in Consumer Behavior that may not be thought about by some
companies. I expect to learn how the consumers act on certain stimuli and use this to my
advantage when I eventually start my business. I expect it to almost become a Psychology class.

2. What do you expect from your teacher?

I expect my teacher to be thorough when discussing. I feel like Consumer Behavior is not
necessarily a subject like Mathematics or Science where you need to memorize formulas
and terms, but even though it can relate to Mathematics and Science, I believe
Consumer Behavior will be interesting and will give us a new perspective. I expect my
teacher to deliver on this idea.
3. How does Consumer Behavior reflect the totality of decision?
Studying the mannerisms and behavior of our consumers is extremely vital because this
is the closest thing, we can get to knowing what they will do. Their decisions are what is
studied in Consumer Behavior.
4. Cite a Specific Example of a brand of you of an offering?
a. Products
b. Services
c. Activities
d. Experiences
e. People
f. Ideas
5. Cite a specific real-life scenario on behaviour involves on emotions and coping. How does it
affect you in making a decision?
I can sometimes get an emotional attachment when it comes to buying things that can
make me feel included in a crowd. I may not like a product, but because everyone has it,
I am obliged to buy it as well. I can have an emotional attachment to the brand Nike
because all my friends wear it; therefore, now I start liking and wearing Nike.
6. The truths and power of consumer analysis become real when you observe consumers in real
shopping scenarios. Compare the behaviours of men shopping alone for groceries with those of
women shopping alone for groceries.
From my perspective, I think men buy the most obvious and direct things while women
tend to shop more products presented in commercials and the like that pander towards
making them look better. I find whenever my dad goes to the grocery, he buys the basic
necessities while saving as much as he can. However, when my mom goes to the
grocery, she’ll come back with products like Pantene or whatever Asian soap product
she finds because she saw it on an advertisement. I think there is a difference between
men and women when it comes to shopping.

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