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2 Sheots-Sheet 1. J. L. LE CONTE. Electric Induction Coil. No. 217,466, Patented July 15, 1879. ay J. L, LE CONTE. EBleotric Induction Coil Patented July 15, 1879. No. 217,466. Tnventor YL Onl yd |). «cr pevedye, Meornch, Laigler UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE JOUN L. LE CONTE, OF PHIL, IMPROVE! ‘spocifeation forming part of Letters Ps sient No, 21% AGG, dnton Joly 15 ADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA MENT IN ELECTRIC INDUCTION-COILS. 579; ayplieation sod Novenibor 6, 1578 Ao alt wham i may concern: I “Be it kuown that I, Joun L. Le Cont, of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, have invented © new and usefel apparatas for | pradueing indeed currents of electricity at Hiflerent points along an cleciric eixeuit, of Shich the dollowing is a fall, clear, and exact Aeseription. Diy fuvention relates to apparatus for she ntilization of the property of induction for the Subdivision of a emrent of electricity passed fhrougis a miain eirenit from a dynamo-clectric brothor eleetrie mackine, the duced earrents Pema takon off at plnees where it is requisite to liave subdivision for the purpose of light. ing dwellings or for other purposes, aud my joctuating the taking off of itt rrenis without Impairment by waste ot eavent of the generating: ma- ‘Teretotore, in the subdivision of the eur rents of electric eitenits, the prodnetion of Smaller eurtents, when attempted by means ) SF induction, has been failure, by reason of fhe costiy and enmbersome apparatus em vention aims at, tho production of a ‘compact induction apparatas adapted for the | CQifivision of the main eurrent into one or fnito many earrents. Tn the necompanying drawings I have rep- resented my apparatus, Figure 1 shows, in perspeetive, my iudaction devieo, the sheets Rene partially. wnswrapped for the sake of | cleaverilinstiation, When rolled up any suit fable insulating-wrapper retains the bands and layers. ‘Fig. 2 shows, in plan, the band of ‘metal and the wires for eonnection and the iu- Sulating layer. Fig. 8 shows the same ju sec: Hunal clovation, —Inall of the above figares fe represented an appavatas caleulated for a Sogteindueed ewrent. Pigs. 4, 5, and 6 are Sidiar views of the same, arranged for the pro- | Guetion of four subdivided induced currents. "The same parts are indicated by the same Jeliers in cack of the sheets. "The apparatas represented. consists of two loug bands Soon, tin, copper, oF any oth ciently sualleable and cheap— in Figs.1,2,and of thin metal that is sul wrapped with } the sheets of | passage of clectrieity over the edge of the interposed layers. of insulated material, such Be ollskin, varnished mustin, or othet thiv fabric, rendered @ non-eondactor by the appli: tation of shellae-varnish, indinerubber, gutta. percha or other insulating material of organic origin. ‘The bands of metal aro of Tess width than nstlating material, so that no Sheets ean oven, ‘The bands and layors, thas arranged, eaclk vith a conducting wise or ribbon at cach end, are rolled intocylindriealormupon and around 2 small hollow eylinder of suitable material And convenient, dimensions, made hollow ft orer to leave place for the introduction of Soft-iron bar whan the electric ewtrent requires modification by suck influence. or the better insulation of the apparatus, such portions of the sheets of insulating ma. forial-as are not covered by the metal bands nay’ bo smeared with shellie or other varnish Th the apparatus represonted in Bigs. 4, 0, aud 6, whieh is adapted for the production of Shove than one induced ewrent, there aresu stituted for one of the sheets of metal of the Brst-deseribed form t1vo or any number (it the drawings four are shown) of narrower strips of Shotal. laid between the layers of insolating: inaterial longitndinaliy and parallel with each other, the said strips being separated fom each other a stfiieient distance to instxe per Toot insulation. ‘Conducting wites or ribbons 2 ‘each end of enh of the strips, a conventout ax Jangement for so doing being represented. in Fisk. 4, 5, aud 6,and for the better insulation ainall pieeeof non-conducting material should do laid between the conducting-wires and the fetal shel, which they may etoss if they are Drought ont to the ends of theeylinder. When, however, the wires aro eazried to tlie cove of the central eylindex, such arrangement is 1 To Figs. 1, 2, and 3 of the drawings, resents the hollow central eylinder condueting-baud through which th Sent passes; O and D, Hie connections of th Tonducting wires of the main civenit; H, the and in which the induced current 2 217466 OF inde He connections forthe wits | Tong bands of metal wrapped with two ter fatgne ater currents, and 1 the fusn-| posed layers of inselaige oa ta eet Intors Sad strips of metal being provided at tase tne este a the lettering isthe same, | ends with conducting eer eee eet Ihe tadead been flat the strips in whic | metal and lagers of susan? see ated are a Sarpnts JR such fom aro genor-| spirally rolled ino epinae tok Fe eee Conncetions rest gap al Ztholr wie | shall hollow estar ana gaa couneetions 1, 2,3, and 4, ‘and 142, 3eand ¥, | salt shen tie, oustction of nly appara | “3. An apparatas for producing indneed eur. Grating eet 8 system of iamination of unis at diferent pata eae a eae fe plac on sf stan my device takes | Gynameleetric of other ceekie ete ee {he place of meter inthe old system of gue | Sonnet oF there tmetal and of so lan a aos opvenentiy placed in theeel_| Hes of manrower suypeck aoe eae ae Circa ang ag ae He es of the main | interposed layers of maaan eee formtug eeonte Ae Reqted numberof wives | whole weypped ta helen eae nari he rear eats the illuminating devious | and tae resolve once eee and ioe peta the application of the well soveralextromities atthe ose ae fon of ec tuduaton $0 the sblvis | those of te band betty ese 1 paravor neni puzenk; ut Z clin the ap. [and tow of te tine fo tae aa caren Biren Mich Therein describe as adapted | cureaty substantiate ro (sere Tee aia tothe tinge catautage of compactness | rents ab diferent pots Mone ee oa cal foe ana conta, while the ha | dyname-teeti of athercion gee Cinced eursent es Eres" strength in, the in: sisting of a bron bandoy eek eo tite aera, DY #880 ofthe tended sar. | renal marowerstane rc i faces acted on. Interposed layers of instlating material, the fe panna iemont f the cored contalepin | whole mappa i Neier mae the er permits the moditying iutueness whol the Ee Wer adapted to receive a soft introduction of the iron core effects, etal core, and the band and strips respect, rege oF he several. strips, arranged as | ively provided stone oka several extremities Pate nuefore described, gives a8 many sepa: | with Gonfactg ‘wires,-those of the band be. Fale induced currents as there are strips with | ing for thereat ‘current and those of the strips the employment of a single exeiting-surtian | for the several induced currents, substantially Having thus described my invention, Lolaim | as desenwer Uneed Siareceeue by Letters Patent of te | “In destimony whereof T haveheren tosigned United States— myname this 4th day of November, A.1),1378, 1. An apparatus for producing inducod cur JOHN 1. Le CONTE, rents of electricity at different points along the circuit of the current of dynamo-electrie oF other clectric machine, which consists of tivo In presence of — J. Bonsaut Taytor, ‘Wat. C. Sreawnrmén, Ne

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