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Academic Reading 24 - Passage 1

By Laura Carlsen, The New Internationalist | December 1, 2004

Questions 1-5

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1.

In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write

if the statement agrees with the


NO if the statement contradicts the information.

if there is no information on this

1) After NAFTA, a lot of corn from the USA has been sold in Mexico.  YES

2) Following NAFTA, Mexican business people tried to stop maize farmers from working
in factories throughout the country.  NOT GIVEN

3) The Mexican farmers were paid a lot less for their corn after NAFTA.  YES

4) Many Mexican farmers wanted to leave Mexico after the Free Trade
Agreement.  NOT GIVEN

5) The Mexican farmers were not able to do anything to help themselves after the Trade
Agreement.  NO
Questions 6-10
Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.

For thousands of years, corn has been a very important 6 crop in the Mexican culture.
After the North American Free Trade Agreement, 7 genetically modified corn has been
imported from the USA in very large amounts. Mexican business people hoped that this
would mean that Mexican farmers had to get jobs in factories and that their 8 rural living
standards would increase. Instead of this result, the farmers suffered from the low price
of corn and people had to pay more for their corn. The farmers wish that the
government had 9 ............. them during this time. As a result of the hardship, the
farmers have organised themselves by forming a 10 a movement ’In Defence of Corn’

Is Science Dangerous?
Wolpert, Lewis. "Is science dangerous?." Journal of molecular biology
319.4 (2002): 969-972.
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading
Passage 1.

In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement is true according to the passage

if the statement is false according to the


if the information is not given in the passage

1) The film industry does not make films about science.  FALSE

2) Scientists do not work in unison when deciding what needs to be

researched.  FALSE

3) Parents want to have cloned children now.  NOT GIVEN

4) Technology was important before the development of science.  TRUE

5) Many people consider cloning to be undesirable.  TRUE

6) Science and Technology must be seen as separate entities.  TRUE

Question 7
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for your

What influenced the eugenics movement when they were summarizing the
findings of their research? 7) desirable implications

Questions 8-11
Choose ONE phrase from the list of phrases A - H below to complete each
of the following sentences.

Write the appropriate letters in boxes 8-11 on your answer sheet.

List of Phrases
A work in groups in an unethical way
В was responsible for helping to develop basic trades and skills
С scientists are portrayed as being irreligious
D does not make moral judgements
E become involved in hazardous research
F scientists are seen to interfere with nature
G does not help us to understand how the world works
H is more concerned with ethics than research
8) In literature  F

9) Technology  В

10) Science  D
11) Rarely do scientists  A

Question 12
Choose the best answer А, В, С or D.

12) According to the writer, Science shows us

A our position in the universe.

B how intelligence affects our behavior.
C what the world is really like.
D scientists have special social obligations.

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