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I live in Santander de Quilichao Cauca, here in Santander the sources of employment are

commerce, gallery and companies such as colombina, and in rural areas most people plant


Confectionery Company located in the North of the Cauca, which helps to give
employment to the personnel of this zone and to the personal and labor growth; it foments
values and personal growth.

The gallery of Santander de quilichao

Here in the gallery the farmers sell their fresh and good quality products, there is also the
square where they sell clothes at good price and good quality.
Pineapple crops

Pineapple cultivation was recently implemented as a solution to generate employment and

income in the homes of the inhabitants of Santander de Quilichao and little by little
pineapple cultivation is growing in the municipality.
My ideal job would be in the “Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar” since it is an
organization with a great sense of belonging and responsibility towards children and
adolescents and I like to help others. That's why I chose my career in psychology with the
dream of one day being able to work in this place. The salary I would like to have is

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