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Aquacultural Engineering 88 (2020) 102043

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Application of nitrification and denitrification processes in a direct water T

reuse system for pacific white shrimp farmed in biofloc system
Marcos Estevão Santiago de Melo Filhoa, Marco Shizuo Owatarib,*, José Luiz Pedreira Mouriñob,
Katt Regina Lapab, Hugo Moreira Soaresa
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Chemical and Food Engineering Department, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Aquaculture Department, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil


Keywords: The aim of the present study was to propose a low-cost nitrogen removal system through the nitrification /
Nitrification denitrification process in order to maintain the water quality required for the Pacific white shrimp super-
Denitrification intensive cultivation in closed systems without water renewal. The increase in productivity consequently causes
Superintensive system the accumulation of organic matter and nitrogenous compounds, especially ammonia nitrogen and nitrite, which
in high concentrations can be lethal to aquatic organisms. In addition, the accumulation of solids in the system
provides conditions for the emergence of opportunistic pathogens, microalgae booms, and increases the pro-
ducer's cost of inputs to maintain the equilibrium physicochemical relationships required for shrimp farming.
The experimental productive cycle lasted 36 days using Litopenaeus vannamei shrimps with 7.1 g ± 0.56 g and
density of 350 shrimps m−³. The nitrogen removal efficiency observed during the study period was 71.3 ± 5.3
%, and the shrimp had a survival of 92.9 % and a final weight of 13.1 ± 1.4 g. Thus, we established a system
(ammonia and nitrite), capable of managing solids without interaction with the sea, ensuring high biosecurity
against exogenous diseases in marine shrimps farms.

1. Introduction Lightner, 2005). It is estimated that producing 1 kg of shrimp in these

systems requires 50 m3 of water, most of which is discharged into ad-
Water resources are of vital importance for the development of any jacent water bodies without any treatment (Krummenauer et al., 2014;
economic activity in the world. However, aquaculture is one of the Timmons and Ebeling, 2007), increasing the risks of spreading patho-
activities that most needs large volumes of water, inevitably. The need gens in the environment.
to produce larger quantities of food due to population growth has In recent years the shrimp farming industry has been systematically
contributed to the growth of the sector, which currently moves around affected by the occurrence of diseases, particularly viral diseases, which
US $ 243 billion (FAO, 2018). In this sense, one of the biggest chal- have caused great losses in the most diverse producing regions of the
lenges of aquaculture concerns the rational use of water resources. world. In addition, poor weather conditions have been a constant
Marine shrimp are a commodity, and as such, highly traded. Mon- challenge for some major Asian producers, particularly Thailand and
etarily, its represents the second largest group of exported aquaculture China, causing large economic losses for activity (Lightner, 2005;
species. Typically, farms are present in coastal aquaculture and are an Subasinghe, 2017; FAO, 2018).
important economic source for many developing countries in Asia and Therefore, several models aiming at greater biosecurity and super-
Latin America, moving around $ 1.51 billion / year, mostly consumed intensive production have been proposed. In some cases productivity
by developed countries markets. (FAO, 2015, 2018). may be increased by more than 800 % and the amount of water used
In traditional farms (6–20 shrimps m−3) nurseries of up to 10 ha can reduced to less than 100 L kg shrimp−1 (Boyd and Clay, 2002; Burford
exceed productivity of 10 ton / ha / year. In this case, the water from et al., 2003; Krummenauer et al., 2014). Among these models, note-
the ponds is renewed daily at a rate of between 5 and 20 % of the total worthy is the Bioflocs system (BFT), developed in the early 1990s at the
volume, thus ensuring adequate water quality conditions for the ani- Waddel Mariculture Center, South Carolina, United States, modified
mals' development (Barbieri Júnior and Ostrensky Neto, 2002; and adapted a few years later for commercial productions in Belize

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.S. Owatari).
Received 16 August 2019; Received in revised form 9 January 2020; Accepted 9 January 2020
Available online 10 January 2020
0144-8609/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.E.S. de Melo Filho, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 88 (2020) 102043

Central America and some South American countries, such as Peru and
Ecuador (Burford et al., 2003).
Another way to maintain water quality within the tank is through
the nitrification process, which oxidizes the ammonium ion into nitrate
with nitrite as an intermediate (Henze et al., 1977). This biological
process, commonly used in wastewater treatment (Sepehri and
Sarrafzadeh, 2018, 2019), represents an interesting application for the
superintensive pacific white shrimp farming, allowing ammonia from
animal metabolism to be oxidized to nitrate in the nitrification process
by nitrifying bacteria, which are very efficient in assimilating ammonia
to obtain energy. In addition to consuming relatively little oxygen when
compared to heterotrophic organisms (Henze et al., 1977), which
strategically act on nitrogen removal by biofloc production. This allows
for lower solids production in the tank and additionally lower oxygen
consumption making it easier to transfer it to the system, thus resulting
Fig. 1. system - 1 (tank); 2 (network support); 3 (nitrifying reactor); 4 (de-
in a better comfort zone for the shrimp to grow (Avnimelech et al.,
canter); 5 (acetate inlet); 6 (denitrifying reactor); 7 (ultra violet); 8 (aeration); 9
2015). (return to the tank); 10 (porous stone); 11 (repression / tank outlet).
In the denitrification process, heterotrophic bacteria use nitrate as
an electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen, and organic matter as a
carbon source, resulting in the reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen the tank (Fig. 1).
N2, which is released directly into the atmosphere, as can be observed The denitrification reactor was made of cylindrical PVC material
by model proposed by Wiesmann (1994), using acetate as carbon with moving bed reactor, height 0.83 m, diameter 0.19 m, useful vo-
source. The application of denitrification in the biofloc system would lume 20 L. 263 bioballs (Cora Life Bioballs) were used as biological
contribute to the control of nitrate accumulation and reduce the soluble support. In the denitrifying reactor was coupled a heat exchanger,
organic matter inside the tank (Schreier and Zohar, 2006). The removal which promoted the circulation of hot water through a hose that passed
of nitrogen forms from the system allows the treated water to be reused inside the reactor, keeping it warm. The heating system in the shrimp
without the need for renewal. Additionally, treated water with low tank and denitrifying reactor consisted of three 250 W thermostatic
suspended solids content can be sterilized by simplified physicochem- heaters. The decanter was made of fiberglass, with a conical cylinder
ical processes such as ultraviolet radiation, foam fractionators, ozone to shape with volume 84 L, height of 0,63 m, diameter of 0,49 m and cone
eliminate potential pathogen contamination and reused directly in the height of 0,28 m.
production cycle, promoting healthy shrimp growth (Van Rijn et al.,
2006; Satanwat et al., 2019) 2.2. System startup
Thus, the application of the combined nitrification / denitrification
process can become an option for superintensive shrimp farming, 2.2.1. Bacterial inoculum and nutrient broth
making it possible to treat and reuse closed loop water without renewal, The microorganisms used as initial inoculum were obtained from a
creating an environment with autonomy over toxic components N-NH3 pre-established biofloc system (BFT) and enriched in laboratory re-
and N-NO2, without interactions with the sea and with greater biose- actors. 4 L of nitrifying bacteria containing 9.82 g Volatile suspended
curity. Consequently, the aim of this work was to evaluate a super- solids (VSS) L−1 were added to the tank. In the denitrifying reactor
intensive production cycle of Pacific white shrimp using nitrification / were added 4 L of the denitrifying inoculum containing 4.93 g VSS L−1.
denitrification in a low cost system for direct and planned water reuse Culture broths used were proposed by Campos et al. (1999) with
system. modifications, using the system water itself as a solvent, in the fol-
lowing quantities: NH4Cl (22.92 g), (NH4)2SO4 (5.592 g), MgSO4 (0.606
2. Material and methods g), KH2PO4 (2.676 g), NaHCO3 (14.244 g), micronutrient solution
(0.003 mL L−1) to the nitrifying medium. For the denitrifying medium,
2.1. Production system design NaNO3 (0.243 g), MgSO4 (0.02 g), KH2PO4 (0.1 g), CH3COONa (0.2 g)
and micronutrient solution (0.003 ml L−1) were added to the deni-
The experiment was conducted at the Marine Shrimp Laboratory - trifying medium. The final concentration of the parts after addition of
LCM (UFSC, Brazil). The system consisted of a culture tank with a salts was 2 mg N-NH4+ L−1 in the tank and 2 mg N-NO3− L−1 in the
coupled nitrifying reactor, a denitrification reactor and a decanter. denitrifying reactor.
The shrimp culture tank used in the experiment was made of 600 L
cylindrical cone-shaped glass fiber with a diameter of 1.2 m, total 2.2.2. System maturation
height of 0.81 m and cone height of 0.11 m. Inside the tank were in- The system was filled with natural seawater from Barra da Lagoa
stalled 5 artificial biological supports, made with 0.1 mm polyamide beach, Florianópolis, previously disinfected with 5 ppm chlorine. It was
wires, with 3/8″ mesh thickness, totaling 1.13 m2 of available area. The then diluted with fresh water to 20 psu (practical salinity unit).
biological supports were intended to promote an increase in useful Initially, the shrimp tank inlets and outlets (Fig. 1) were kept closed so
surface area for the shrimp in the tank, providing better environmental that there was no material exchange between the system parts. Aeration
comfort and reducing animal stress in the experiment (Schveitzer et al., and heating were turned on in the system, and nutrients for nitrifying
2013). The tank was also fitted with a cylindrical moving bed ni- and denitrifying bacteria were added into the shrimp tank and deni-
trification reactor made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), with a height of trifying reactor, respectively.
0.55 m, a diameter of 0.14 m and a useful volume of 6.73 L. As support After initial inoculation, the acclimatization of the microorganisms
for nitrifying biomass, 120 bioballs (Cora Life Bio Balls) were used. At was performed with four intercalated ammonia pulses in the tank, with
the top of the reactor was installed an 11-watt pump (Sarlo Better b two-day intervals between the pulses. For this purpose, a concentrated
650) that regulated the flow rate of the recirculation system (average NH4Cl solution was prepared and diluted in the tank to give final the-
flow of 48 L h−1). For aeration, a porous stone diffuser was used, to- oretical concentrations of 2 mg N-NH4+ L−1 from the first to the third
taling an air flow of 1.68 ± 0.21 L s-1. In addition, an 8 W ultraviolet pulse; and 20 mg N-NH4 + L−1 on the fourth pulse. In the deni-
reactor was inserted to promote control of any emerging pathogens in trification reactor three nitrate pulses were performed, following the

M.E.S. de Melo Filho, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 88 (2020) 102043

same method as above, but diluting a concentrated solution of NaNO3-, N returned = (N decanter + N reactor desnitrifying + N return )(g /d )
obtaining final theoretical concentrations of 2 mg N-NO3-L−1 inside the (4)
reactor for the three pulses.
After the 8th day of acclimation, the system was opened at a flow N returned = [( (N –NH4+ + N –O2− + N –O3−) × 600 ) / 1000 ](g / d )
rate of 6.25 L h−1 and a test sequence with Litopenaeus vannamei ju- (5)
venile was started to verify suitable acclimatization strategies to be
used on farms, as well as correct possible system component assembly
2.5. System monitoring and parameters evaluated
failures, totaling 50 test days. The shrimp used had an average initial
weight of 1.48 ± 0.31 g, which were obtained from a biofloc culture. In
The monitoring of the system was performed by analyzing the in-
this test phase the shrimp were grown until they reached approximately
puts and outputs of the system components, tank, tank outlet, decanter
7 g.
outlet, denitrifying reactor output and return to the tank. Dissolved
oxygen, temperature (YSI 55, YSI Incorporated, Yellow Springs, OH,
2.3. System operation USA), and pH (YSI 100, YSI Incorporated, Yellow Springs, OH, USA)
measurements were performed five times weekly. Ammonia, nitrite
At this stage, the same water from the test phase was used without (Strickland and Parsons, 1972) and nitrate (American Public Health
renewal, but the salinity was reduced to 14 psu with fresh water from Association et al., 1976) analyzes were performed three times a week
the city's water supply. The lowest salinity adopted at this stage was by colorimetric method. Total solids and volatile solids were measured
chosen in order to save mineral salts, aiming at future scaling, mini- at pre-set times according to the American Public Health Association
mizing the dependence of sea water, considering that L. vannamei tol- (2005). Alkalinity was assessed casually. Disease control was evaluated
erates a wide range of salinity (Barbieri Júnior and Ostrensky Neto, by the presence of Vibrionaceae, the main bacterial pathogen of marine
2002). A total of 210 shrimp were used, coming from a biofloc super- shrimps (Barbieri Júnior and Ostrensky Neto, 2002), using the metho-
intensive system. The shrimps were acclimated to the conditions of the dology described by the American Public Health Association (2005),
experiment and had an initial weight of 7.1 ± 0.56 g. plated on TCBS medium (DifcoTM, selective for vibrio). Monitoring was
The shrimp were then placed in the tank and fed with commercial done casually at the point of return to the tank after passing through the
pelleted feed containing 35 % crude protein using the tray system. ultraviolet.
Shrimp stocking density in the tank was 350 m−3. During the 36 days of
experiment the shrimps were fed 3 times a day (8:00 am, 12:00 am and
2.6. Statistical analysis
18:00 pm). The feed intake in the tray was checked after one and a half
hours of each feed. If there was surplus feed, it was returned to the tank
The descriptive statistics of the experiment was performed by
so as not to change the system mass ratios. The amount of feed provided
transforming the data into graphical representations using the statis-
was set at 4 % of the average weight of shrimp in the tank (Clewer and
tica® 13.0 software.
Scarisbrick, 2001).
The recirculation flow rate of the system was 12.5 L h−1 until the
30th day of the experiment. Then increased to 48 L h−1 and maintained 3. Results and discussion
until the end. The flow rate changes were made due to the need to
improve the system performance in terms of shrimp water quality. 3.1. System start

The changes in concentrations of nitrogen forms in the culture tank

2.4. Management of nitrogen forms in the system
and denitrification reactor during the inoculation phase are shown in
Fig. 2a and 2b, respectively. During the period, pH, oxygen and tank
2.4.1. Calculation of nitrogen input in the system
temperature had values of 8.18 ± 0.019; 7.80 mg L−1 ± 0.13 mg L−1;
According to Ebeling et al. (2006), of the total protein in the diet
28.97 °C ± 0.07 °C, respectively. For the denitrifying reactor these
(R), 16 % is nitrogen. Of these, 90 % is consumed by shrimp, which in
values were 8.19 ± 0.02; 0.66 mg L−1 ± 0.13 mg L−1 and 28.88
turn 10 % is incorporated as biomass, and 90 % is eliminated in excreta.
°C ± 0.28 °C, respectively.
Of the eliminated nitrogen, 90 % is excreted as ammonia nitrogen and
The graphical analysis allows us to conclude that the acclimatiza-
10 % as urea. Knowing that urea, when in contact with water, is rapidly
tion of microorganisms occurred gradually. In the early days, the pro-
decomposed by microorganisms, generating ammonia and carbon di-
duction of nitrite and nitrate in the tank is observed. This proves that
oxide, we can calculate the daily ammonia load in the culture tank,
ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria were active metabolism
resulting in Eqs. 1 and 2:
(Fig. 2a), even after activation of recirculation on the eighth day, where
PTAN = R × %p × 0.16 × 0.9 × 0.9 + R × %p × 0.16 × 0.9 × 0.1 nitrite and nitrate production increased, indicating that the bacteria
(1) continued to grow in the tank.
Owatari et al. (2018) verified the consumption activities of nitrogen
∴ PTAN = R × %p × 0.144(g N − NH4+/ d ) (2) compounds in the first days of maturation of a biological filter when
inoculated from a microorganism pool to colonize the biological sup-
R=Feed Rate (g / d)
port. At the time, the reduction of total ammonia, toxic ammonia and
% p=Feed Protein Percentage
nitrite concentration during monitoring were determinant to confirm
the nitrification process. Knowing how to identify and understand the
2.4.2. Nitrogen removal efficiencies onset of ammonia degradation kinetics in aquaculture bioreactors can
For the calculation of nitrogen removal efficiency the following Eqs. be considered a strategic and decisive point for decision-making in-
(3–5) were used. volving the initiation of aquaculture growth cycles and nutrient input
into cultivation waters. In addition, the interactions that occur between
PTAN − Nreturned
%Nremoved = ( ) × 100 groups of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and nitrite oxidizing bacteria are
PTAN (3)
of utmost importance in nitrification processes (Sepehri and
where: Sarrafzadeh, 2019).
In the denitrifying reactor (Fig. 2b), a slower adaptation of the
PTAN = inputN − NH4+ (g /d ) microorganisms is observed in the first days, however, from the 4th day

M.E.S. de Melo Filho, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 88 (2020) 102043

Fig. 2. (a) Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate concentrations in the culture tank after ammonia pulses (p1, p2, p3 and p4); (b) nitrite and nitrate concentrations in the
denitrifying reactor after nitrate pulses (p1, p2, p3).

it becomes evident the decrease of nitrate in the reactor, showing that Nitrogen loads applied to the system as a function of the nitrogen
the denitrification process occurred. In the present study after re- contained in the diet, as well as the calculation of the remaining ni-
circulation opening, denitrification continued to occur and at the 14th trogen load in the system and the nitrogen load removed were mea-
day the nitrate concentration difference in the reactor inlet and outlet sured in the present study (Fig. 4).
was 8.77 mg L−1, equivalent to a removal rate of 65.25 % N-NO3-. An appropriate C / N ratio can control the microbial population and
aid nitrification processes (Sepehri and Sarrafzadeh, 2018). In Fig. 4 we
see that the nitrogen load increases over time. This nitrogen is removed
3.2. Nitrogen forms concentrations and nitrogen removal from the system
from the system in the denitrification process. The principle of system
operation is based on ensuring sufficient alkalinity for nitrifiers to
The concentrations of nitrogen forms at different sampling times
function. In the present study the total alkalinity remained at
throughout the system were recorded (Fig. 3), as well as the means of
232 ± 16.65 mg CaCO3 L−1, this means that the bicarbonate alkalinity
nitrogen compounds at each point from the 10th day (Table 1). Ana-
remained between 139.2 ± 9.9 mg HCO3-L−1, not impairing the func-
lyzing Fig. 3 is possible to identify two distinct areas in the system: A
tioning nitrification. For denitrification to occur it was necessary to add
nitrification area represented by points p1, p2 and p3, from the shrimp
a simple low molecular weight organic molecule which in this case was
tank to the decanter outlet, where it is possible to verify a higher nitrate
sodium acetate, because the carbon dissolved in the liquid medium
concentration. A denitrification area represented by points p4 and p5.
from shrimp metabolism, dead cell remnants, and leached feed remains
After the denitrification reactor and the UV reactor output a low nitrate
are complex molecules that are difficult to degrade, this would cause
concentration is verified, showing the removal of nitrogen compounds
oxygen not to approach zero in the denitrifying reactor making the
by the system.
process unfeasible.
Suzuki et al. (2003) investigated the performance of an intensive eel
The nitrogen biotransformation routes present in aquaculture pro-
culture recirculation system, in which ammonia oxidation and removal
duction processes are complex. Several environmental factors can affect
of suspended solids were performed rapidly and simultaneously in the
these processes, and concrete knowledge in conjunction with the use of
nitrification unit. Ammonia concentration and turbidity were kept
high-nitrogen effluent treatment technologies are key to improving
below 1.2 mg N per liter. While in the denitrification process the nitrate
nitrogen removal rates and achieving success in full-scale applications
accumulated in the culture water was reduced from 151 mg N L−1 to 40
(Paredes et al., 2007). In the present research, it is clear that the ni-
mg N L−1. Effluent was easily recovered from nitrification and deni-
trogen removal process occurred throughout the experimental time.
trification tanks, and the components were considered suitable as
From the 4th day on, nitrogen removal stability was verified with an
compost. Similarly, the present study confirmed that the operation of
average efficiency of 71.28 ± 5.28 %, proving the positive result
nitrification and denitrification reactors in superintensive cultivation
achieved by the proposed setup.
systems has a high potential for application.
In the present study, it was found that N-NH3 free ammonia re-
mained at safe survival levels for shrimp. The maximum concentration 3.3. Farming system control parameters
measured in the tank was 0.09 mg N-NH3 L−1, calculated from am-
monia, pH and temperature data according to Wiesmann (1994), 13.3 The water quality variables were controlled so as not to limit the
times lower than the level recommended by Lin and Chen (2001). Ni- operational processes, and on average the pH and temperature re-
trite showed no toxic level for shrimp and no peak of this compound mained at 8.26 ± 0.1 and 28.7 ± 1.1 °C, respectively over of the
was verified during the experiment, which is an advantage in intensive system. The dissolved oxygen in the system remained in optimal con-
production systems, because the accumulation of this compound can ditions for shrimp development 5.98 ± 0.38 mg O2 L−1 (Ebeling et al.,
cause high mortality rates in the tank. 2006) and also in conditions that allowed denitrification in the deni-
Saliling et al. (2007) tested wood chips and wheat straw as alter- trification reactor 0.51 ± 0.41 mg O2 L−1 (Metcalf and Edddy, 2003).
native biofilter media for denitrification reactors in aquaculture and In the present study, it was not necessary to correct alkalinity, which
other high nitrate wastewater. This experiment showed denitrification remained at an average of 232 ± 16.65 mg CaCO3 L−1 throughout the
rates, and up to 99 % of nitrate was removed from wastewater with 200 experimente. Moreover, the use of heterotrophic denitrification com-
mg NO3-N L−1 concentration. In the present study, the biological bined with nitrification is advantageous because it is possible to replace
supports were also efficient for bacteria adhesion, since we observed a part of the alkalinity that is consumed in nitrification (Van Rijn et al.,
considerable reductions in N concentrations inside the reactors. 2006), unlike other systems that require this correction (Schveitzer

M.E.S. de Melo Filho, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 88 (2020) 102043

Fig. 3. Monitoring of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate concentrations throughout the second stage of the experiment: p1 (culture tank); p2 (tank outlet); p3 (decanter
output); p4 (denitrifying reactor output); p5 (ultraviolet reactor output).

Table 1
Average of nitrogenous compounds. ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4). nitrite ni-
trogen (N-nitrite) and nitrate nitrogen (N-nitrate) (mean ± standard deviation)
calculated from day 10 at cultivation system collection: 1 (middle of the tank);
2 (tank outlet); 3 (decanter outlet); 4 (denitrifying output); 5 (UV output /
Points N-Ammonia (mg L−1) N-Nitrite (mg L−1) N-Nitrate (mg L−1)

1 1.86 ± 0.78 0.69 ± 0.1 7.88 ± 0.34

2 1.71 ± 0.66 0.76 ± 0.38 8.07 ± 0.37
3 1.92 ± 0.99 0.58 ± 0.35 8.13 ± 0.24
4 1.85 ± 0.71 0.69 ± 0.34 0.76 ± 0.38
5 1.84 ± 0.69 0.69 ± 0.32 0.84 ± 0.36

Fig. 4. Nitrogen loads applied, remnant and removed in the cropping system.

M.E.S. de Melo Filho, et al. Aquacultural Engineering 88 (2020) 102043

Table 2 conversion. In the present work the amount of the feed was set at 4 % of
Average production of suspended solids measured at the end of the experiment the weight measured on the biometrics, regardless of the leftover feed,
in the tank, decanter and denitrifying reactor units. Volatile suspended solids which was returned into the tank. Feed management in each feeding
(VSS); Total Suspended Solids (TSS). event would certainly decrease this value. The weekly weight gain 1.23
Unity VSS (g L−1) TSS (g L−1) g week−1 observed in the present research can be considered a good
growth as described by Barbieri Júnior and Ostrensky Neto (2002). At
Tank 0.133 ± 0.008 0.260 ± 0.013
the time the researchers stated that values above 1 g week−1 is con-
Decanter 1.23 ± 0.05 2.52 ± 0.48
Denitrifying Reactor 1.06 ± 0.1 2.26 ± 0.07
sidered a very good index for pacific white shrimp, considering that this
value refers to semi-intensive system, where it is known that the shrimp
has better performance naturally due to lower stocking density. High
Table 3 feed conversion values may be related to food management. The
Zootechnical indices showing the value (mean ± standard deviation) of amount of feed should be adjusted for each feed so that nothing remains
each index evaluated. in the tray.
Zootechnical parameters
4. Conclusions
Total feed (g) 2.479
Starting weight (g) 7.1 ± 0.56 The present study used a hybrid system composed of an air-lift re-
Final Weight (g) 13.1 ± 1.44
actor with fixed biomass in moving support and synthetic mesh for
Weight gain / weekly (g week−1) 1.23
Survival (%) 92.86 bacterial support disposed inside the tank for removal of nitrogenous
Feed conversion (g ration / g shrimp) 2.38 ± 0.04 compounds in biofloc tanks. This type of system is inexpensive to build,
Productivity (kg shrimp m−3) 3.38 requiring only a small aeration at the bottom reactor to promote ver-
tical flow of water, promoting the raising of gases from the bottom up.
In this way we can remove some of the CO2 that is dissolved in the
et al., 2013). liquid medium.
Considering the nitrification and denitrification processes, it was
3.4. Solids production possible to obtain benefits with the removal of excess nitrogen com-
pounds, since the reduction of nitrogen availability in the system re-
The system solids production can be understood as the sum of solids duces or limits the proliferation of undesirable microorganisms in the
computed at the end of the experimental cycle, in all parts of the shrimp system, such as cyanobacteria. The use of heterotrophic denitrification
production system, ie, inside the tank, in the nitrification reactor, in the combined with nitrification was advantageous since some of the alka-
decanter, in the denitrification and even the biofilm that forms on the linity consumed in nitrification can be recovered in this process. In
connection line inside the pipes. In this work, the solids drained from addition, excess soluble organic matter can be removed, resulting in a
the decanter and the denitrification reactor were accounted for, since better comfort zone for shrimp to grow.
these are the ones that are actually sent to the subsequent destination.
The solids fixed in the biological supports were not accounted for due to Declaration of Competing Interest
the fact that they are not discarded, remaining within the system. Total
suspended solids were measured at the end of cultivation (Table 2). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Preliminary analysis shows that an Total Suspended Solids (TSS) /
Volatile suspended solids (VSS) ratio of 1.98; 2.02 and 2.14 for the tank, Acknowledgments
decanter and denitrifying reactor respectively, resulting in an TSS / VSS
average of 2.05. Thus we can infer that approximately 50 % of the The authors thank National Council of Scientific and Technological
solids were stable. Schveitzer et al. (2013) operating a biofloc system Development (CNPq) for research grant and financial support to J.L.P.
with 459 shrimp m−3 maintaining the TSS at 200 mg L-1 produced Mouriño (CNPq 308292 / 2014-6) and H.M. Soares (CNPq Lattes:
1,569.6 g of TSS. Similarly, Ray et al. (2010) observed that a biofloc 2713109621898643); Chemical Engineering Department (UFSC) and
system with 250 shrimp m−3 produced an average amount of 1440 g of Marine Shrimp Laboratory (LCM - UFSC) for Shrimp donation.
TSS in 36 days of operation. Comparing the data, it is clear that the
experiments mentioned above produced at least 9.82 times more sludge References
than the present study. According to Wiesmann (1994) this can be
explained by comparing the specific growth rate values between auto- American Public Health Association, Rand, M.C, American Water Works Association,
trophic bacteria, which present a μmax of 0.77 d-1 for ammonia oxi- Water Pollution Control Federation, 1976. Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association.
dation and 1.08 d-1 for nitrite oxidation, whereas heterotrophic mi- American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association, Water
croorganisms have a maximal 7.2 d-1. Environment Federation, 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Practical methods to reduce nitrogenous loads in aquaculture sys- Wastewater, 21st edition. Standard Methods.
Avnimelech, Y., De-Schryver, P., World Aquaculture Society, 2015. Biofloc Technology: a
tems facilitate increased productivity as water quality is optimized. The Practical Guide Book. World Aquaculture Society.
present study monitored the zootechnical performance of shrimps Barbieri Júnior, R.C., Ostrensky Neto, A., 2002. Camarões marinhos. Aprenda Fácil
during the experimental phase (Table 3). Analyzing the growth results, Editora.
Boyd, C.E., Clay, J.W., 2002. Evaluation of Belize Aquaculture, Ltd: A superintensive
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