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Christian Marc Benosa

1. What are the three things that you significantly learned from the reading?

Before reading the article, I used to think that the meaning and definition of self and
identity are the same. But when I think it through, there may be a difference. That difference
before I read the article is that the self, characterize your true originality of yourself on how you
let the nature and evolution evolve around you while identity is how the people close to you help
you shape on who you truly are. But again after I read this article my mind was blown and I can
see the true depth of self and identity. So after I read the article now I think that self and identity
are mental concepts, it is part of us and it will never be gone. Through years I didn’t realize how
many studies and theories were made on what the capacity of a human being can do and how
these two terms reflected the kind of person you are and how important for us to understand
ourselves. Second, the self is more than being yourself, it is about understanding the process of
how to be yourself by the means of being sensitive as the self is a tool on how you determine
your self of worth, behavior and etc. Finally, I realized that the meaning of identity is about how
we apply our own mindsets to make meanings. Like how we set goals and how we behave
ourselves to make an essence to our lives.

2. What three things about the reading are unclear to you

Three things that were unclear to me is first the inclusion-exclusion model by Bless &
Schwarz. I am not really sure what they meant because they said that the purpose of the model is
to predict an information that will be relevant when it comes to judgement. Second, is an another
model by Chaiken & Trope 1999 named Dual-Processing Models which explains how it
distinguish between two processing system, those are effortful and controlled. I am not sure if it
means that effortful is about you exerting effort on something even if you can’t handle it anymore
and controlled for me means to be in self-controlled of yourself. Lastly, another idea unclear to
me is how self and identity are being stable. Like from what I read in the article about the ship, if
whether the experience is still the same in a different environment. And about the argument on
self and identity feel stable though not really stable when we experience it. I don’t know what it

3. What three questions that you want to ask about the reading?

 Can your identity be determined by your genetic form from your parents or relatives like
what your parents are right now will be you in the future?
 Is there a point in understanding yourself and your identity if society labels you through
your race and society?
 Does your perspective of yourself and identity change overtime?

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