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Rational Egoism

Nick Leonard T. Molina

Youths of this era are free at fabricating choices, weaving a new line over a
primitive textile of righteousness.

SelFISH-ruled. Young minds making a new field in the arena of uprightness.

Redefining its essence beyond diverse and constant changes. Some still holds their
norms and decorum, a half preserves more their self-images and egos. Self-trained
warriors to fight for their beliefs and civil liberties.

In this era of modernization, arises a great sway among the young generation. A
different runway of living which encompasses the technicality of thoughts, speech and
deeds. New dome of wisdom and new race of philosophy.

Clashes of perspectives and beliefs! Whose voice will give volume to human
decency? Who’ll fly with their norms and who’ll remain alive in the wheels of

We are misjudged by people, crossing dissimilar appeals stated on the table. We

normalize teamwork, not cheating. We normalize caring, not bothering someone’s
business. We normalize explaining, not defensiveness. We normalize noble attitude, not
pride. We normalize individuality, not selfishness. We normalize pain, not hopelessness.
We normalize easy break-ups, not a long-life commitment.

We desire for deep understanding and sensitivity. It is not that we, youths, are all-
time selfless. Let us not be captured by blindness, that nothing is permanent and
everything changes. That we must all learn from different perspectives and to mend with

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