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1- Thesis statement

Facebook and Twitter are similar on a basic level but differ in appearance and in the
way users employ them.

2- Topic and controlling sentences in each paragraph

Facebook has the typical offerings associated with social media sites.

2º. Topic Sentence: Twitter is not much different on these points.

3º. Topic Sentence: Despite these major similarities, Twitter and Facebook differ in the

4º. Topic Sentence: The process for tagging other users in a post differs between
Facebook and Twitter.

5º. Topic Sentence: These subtle nuances in Twitter and Facebook impact the way the
account holders use the sites.

3- What is being compared and contrasted in this text?

The layout, the process for taggind other users in a post, the way the account holders use
the sites.

4- Evaluate the arguments for comparison and contrast: Are they strong? Are they
convincing? Are they true?
Once the reader knows the arguments are true the reader doesn’t need to be convinced.

5 - What were your expectations while reading the text? Were they “satisfied"?
I think the writer showed the main differences and similarities. May be, it’s missing a
personnal opinion of the author about which one makes the user feel better.

6 - Notice the comments around the text. Did they help you analyze what was written?

Yes, but the text organized in a way the comments would not be necessary.

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