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Prepositions ‘A. Complete the sentences with: above, over. 1 ‘Nobody on the staff is suspicion, said Detective Inspector Dixon. 2 Your marks have been ......-...» average all year. 3 When you have read this document, please distribute it to the people named 4 He held a handkerchief ............ his face as he escaped from the blazing building, 5 They discussed the matter .. a cup of tea. 6 The waiters received tips and ccs their wages. 17 This product is used all the world. 8 cssv--sev all, remember to lock the money in the safe at the end of the day. 9 ‘The policeman placed a sheet .. the bodies. 10 Seen from voy the marks on the Martian surface look remarkably like canals. B Complete the sentences with: below, beneath, under. 1 Boxers are forbidden to punch . the belt. 2 The temperature dropped... freezing-point. 3. Jack cannot drink in a pub because he i8 0...» Be 4 With regard to the thefts, several members of staff are ‘suspicion. 5 The trade union leader said that the workers who had not supported the strike were contempt. 6 Because the village is several metres sea-level, it is frequently flooded. 7 When Lady Anthea de Montmorency married Fred Glubb, a lorry driver from Peckham, her family thought she had married .... her. 8 Queen Victoria, Britain's economy expanded at a rapid pace. 9 He spoke to us .......-.+. his breath, 10 We saw the film entitled ° the Planet of the Apes. © Complete the sentences using as or like as appropriate. 1 After graduating with a degree in chemistry Jane landed a job ... . a trainee stockbroker. 2 When Charles went to Malaga he stayed in the same hotel 1 did. 8 Just ssc Me, Michael would rather spend a free afternoon with his feet up reading a book than going for a five-mile walk. 4 her mother Elizabeth is 0.0... stubbOrM 0.00. 8 mule. 5 Tom's just a child when it comes to eating sweets. 6 She works for the local council an accountant. 7 Dressed up in those furs you look ..» a Russian princess 8 fat oc. T am concerned, that is the end of the affair. 9 Many people regard Emily Bronte one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century. 10 You should be more friendly towards people, ......... Neil D Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 The lorry collided sooo @ forklift truck 2 Janet and John share an interest... ornithology. 3 Albert has suffered coco asthma for a number of years. 4 Compared .. . his previous work, this latest novel is disappointing 5 The forward positions have been a attack for the last nine hours. 6 The patient would not consent ... the operation. 7 most cases, there will be no additional fee to pay. 8 All the conspirators were condemned cee death, 9 The party leader distanced himself... .... his more extreme supporters. 10 The soldiers had little respect... ..» their officers 41 Prepositions E Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 He is talking to the man .. beard who is standing next to the woman... : the red dress. 2 All the children were dressed ... blue. 3 When he was fifteen he ran away oo $2, 4 They are both . their fifties. 5 Captain Baxter was a man lessees great courage. 6 Tam . my prime,’ said Miss Brodie. 7 Simon helped the man oon Crutches to eros the road. 8 Here is the patient malaria, doctor. 9 Professor Urquell has an 1.@. seve: 160, 10 The two children, a boy soon $x and a girl ten, were not injured in the accident. F Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 I don't know his name but I know him sight. 2 You have been arrested vos conspiring... others to commit a breach : the peace 8. Your lives will be ....-.oscscen risk if you continue the journey. 4 We can offer you £500 ...... sossensee advance and the rest when the job is, finished. 5 Please answer thi 6 Lam afraid I don't have the figures hand but I can obtain them by tomorrow. return, 7 Asa junior doctor, you must be ...... call twenty-four hours a day. 8 Mr Jenkins cannot work for any other company because he is, contract to us. 9 hope that you will bear these factors ..... mind when making your report, 10 You can have a suit made reasonable price. measure .... so VERY

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