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VEGETARIAN e MEAL PLAN ACTIVITY LEVEL 1 30 DAY VEGETARIAN MEAL PLAN ACTIVITY LEVEL 1 BY: CASSEY HO S: ‘A BREANNA WOODS, R.D. By now you should have read through The 90 Day Complete Starter Guide so that you have an understanding of how to pick an appropriate meal plan to suit your goals! In case you need a quick refresher, let’s go over calorie intake and activity levels to make sure that this is the right Activity Level Meal Plan far you The most accurate way to estimate calorie needs is with the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation. Te avoid ripping your hair out with math, you can find a calculator for this online. If you want to try the equation, here it is For Men: TOCwelght In kg) + 6.25(helght In em) = S(age In years) + 5 Fer Women: 10(weight In kg) + 6.25(helght In em) - 5(a: 2-161 In ys This equation will give you your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Once you know your BMR, you can multiply it by an activity factor to get a more accurate idea of how many calories you burn every day. Multiply the number you got in the above equation by the activity factor below that best describes how active you are. 1.2 - Choose this option if you work a desk job with little to no consistent ‘exercise each week. If you da squeeze in some exercise, you're not usually getting sweaty. 1.375 - Choose this option if you're lightly active, with 1-3 light workouts per week, like going on a 30 minute walk or yoga. Your workouts usually make you break a sweat, but you're not super sweaty when you're done 1.85 - Choose this option if you do moderate workouts 3-5 days per week that get your heart rate up and leave you pretty sweaty. 1.725 - Choose this option if you are very active, with hard exercise 6-7 days per week. Your workouts are challenging and always leave you nice and sweaty. Banana Pancakes What you'll need: * 1 banana, peeled and sliced * 2eggs + tsp cinnamon (optional) + Yc blueberries (fresh or frozen) * OPTIONAL - drizzle finished pancakes with with monk fruit syrup Directions: 1. Mash the banana and egg together in a medium bowl Your batter will be runny and will have a few chunks of banana left! Stir in cinnamon. 2. Heat a griddle or pan over medium heat. Melt 4 tsp dairy-free butter on the pan. Drop pancakes on the hot griddle, using about 2 Tbsp of batter for each pancake. (these hold together better if they are small!) 3. Cook for about a minute on each side. Serve warm. Nutritio! Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 269 | Fat:10g | Carbs: 33g | Protein: 14g | Fiber: 4g

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