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18th of september

I slept late around 2am so when i woke up i snoozed the alarm for 15mins. I kind
of procrastinated when i went walking to training. I arrived kind of late, around
10.15am. My performance was pretty well. There was a verbal fight between my
friends. Came back to the appartment, cold shower, ate a tuna sandwich, and played
nba2k17 for a couple of hours tempted to see eiph in instagram which urged me but
forgot about it. Trained, lost against a friend in tennis 7-4,11-13,5-7 tiebreaks
with no serves. Felt i was about to surpass him in the points but when it was time
to perform, fused. Came back to the appartment not angry nor depressed just felt a
bit sorry for myself and kept on thinking about the loss alot even though its is
training. Alone , urges came knocking. Watched alot and went i had warm shower.
Watched again but not for long. Saw equipment i lost it completely i relapsed.

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