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International Conference Migration Dynamics and New Trends in European (In)Security,

Eight Edition, Cluj-Napoca, via Zoom, 27-28 October 2021

Paper title
Author (name, title,

Author’s affiliation
Panel Panel I Panel II Panel III

Abstract (max. 300 words

that provides details of
paper aim and objectives,
research questions, type of
analysis, conclusions)
Co-author (if applicable)
Co-author’s affiliation
(institution/ university)
Telephone (mandatory):
E-Mail (mandatory):

Please send the filled form at until 15th of October

2021. (Applications received after deadline will not be reviewed).

Jean Monnet Module Quo Vadis Europe? European Security, National and Ethnic
Minority Issues: from Theory to Practice

“With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"

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