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Inglês: Expressão Escrita 3

Reading Summary 8
Thoughts about the learning process. Analysing one of my old texts.
Madson Calil Aleixo Gomes (190033819)

The text was never published, but it can be accessed by this link:

For this reading summary, I decided to be resourceful and use one of my texts from a previous
semester, one that I produced for the class Psicologia da Aprendizagem last year called "O
Aluno na Pandemia: Os obstáculos do discente no contexto do ensino a distância."

In this text, I analysed the main factors that made, and still makes, learning difficult during the
pandemic for students, from a student's perspective. Firstly, I talked about the mere access to
education in Brazil, and how hard it can become to attend classes in a distance-learning context.
Then, I talked about distance-learning itself, how different It is from traditional presential
classes, and how difficult it is for a student to adapt.

In both parts of the text's body, I talk about the nature of the learning process itself, and that's
where I could formulate my claim for this week's reading summary, which is: The learning
process is as important as the results of it.

The primary evidence for this claim comes from a citation, in which Illeris defines learning as a
process that leads to permanent cognitive changes in a living organism, changes that don't come
from aging or evolution. If learning is a permanent cognitive change, there's no way one can't
treat it as something important for the development of not only the brain but also life itself. In
my paper, I want to talk about how students must find ways to enjoy the learning process, no
knowing what it is and how important it can be is pivotal for this goal. Illeris book, called
"Teorias Contemporâneas da Aprendizagem" is an awesome recommendation in this regard.

As for my linguistic successes and challenges, picking a text in Portuguese and making a
connection with my English-written paper was a good challenge for sure. Also, I gave myself the
opportunity to revisit an old text and see how much I improved my abilities, especially my line
of reasoning. But at the same time, my style is really recognizable and it makes me miss some
situations of the past, and also makes me proud of my own way of doing things linguistically
speaking, even if it's not perfect.

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